Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous is now on Netflix. The documentary takes one through the ups and down, the highs and the lows, the success and failures of Honey Singh. The documentary sheds light on the pop culture icon's controversies and comebacks! Let's take a look at what social media has to say about the series.

Mixed reviews on social media
"This documentary touched not only my heart but also my soul. Thank you Yo Yo Honey Singh Paji for sharing your story so openly," wrote a social media user. "Netflix really cracked the art of making documentaries but with #YoYoHoneySinghFamous it fails to make me learn more than I already knew. Yo Yo Honey Singh singing "Gulon main rung bharay" was ELITE," another social media user commented.

"Watched this documentary #YoYoHoneySinghFamousOnNetflix with hopes that will get know more about his bi-polar disorder phase. But it had that much which he had mentioned over interviews; infact interviews had more. Unfortunately, it was just show off/PR to uplift he's lost image," read a comment.
"Watched yo yo Honey Singh's documentary on Netflix. It's shows his early struggling stage to rise,fall, and then come back. Life's is a lie, Death is True - Honey singh. It looks like a biopic and somewhat like baised," read another comment.

"I resonate so much with @asliyoyo is saying. The biggest lie we are living is, LIFE itself. I learned this after loosing my Mum. This Documentary made me so emotional," a user wrote.
"Raw and Real! Live #YoYoHoneySinghFamousOnNetflix. What a Legend. His ups and downs were so well captured on this show ! Complexities of this disorder is so hard to live with. His sister is a gem and we love her for everything she did and does for him !! Must Watch," another user commented.
"I just watched #famous on @netflix and what a amazing and awesome journey of the one and only Singh is King", "lacks depth and reality", "more of an image white washing screenplay" were some more comments on social media about the documentary.