Miraculous Woman! Born with Backward Feet Claims to Run Faster Than Her Friends
Woman Born with Backward Feet Claims to Run Faster Than Her FriendsScreenshot/Youtube

A Chinese woman who is born with abnormal hands and backwards feet is an inspiration for the disabled to move ahead in life with the other people.

Wang Fang from Chongqing in China, has surprised the doctors by leading a regular life despite all the odds she has since birth. Mirror reported that Fang's feet faces backwards since her birth but that has never stopped her to lead a normal life.

According to the doctors, Fang had a rare disorder and they feared that she would never be able to walk properly. But she proved them wrong and also says that she is not a disabled person.

"I can run faster than most of my friends and have a regular job as a waitress in the family restaurant. There is no reason to class me as disabled."

"I'm like everyone else - except of course that I put my shoes on backwards," she further said.