
"Castle" fans are being treated to a double dose of the show as ABC has decided to air two new episodes on two consecutive days. The show's Episode 10, "Witness for the Prosecution" was a special telecast aired on Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016. Episode 11, "Dead Red", will run on its regular Monday night slot of 10 p.m. on Feb. 15, 2016.

CLICK HERE to watch "Castle" Season 8 Episode 11 live online. And, CLICK HERE to watch "Dead Red" later online.

The Valentine's Day special episode of "Castle" was quite an interesting watch, packed with some entertaining twists. We saw how Castle not only witnessed a murder, but was also called to testify for the prosecution. And in this situation, Kate gave Castle some sound advice.

But unfortunately, Castle got torn into by public defender Caleb Brown, who used Rick's history to rule out his testimony. Caleb talked about Rick's eight weeks of memory loss passage and the incident where he was himself accused of a murder, but was truly innocent, as the point of defence.

The upcoming Episode 11 will see Castle and Kate working on a dangerous case involving Russian diplomats and in the process ending up playing a risky game of politics that will get them trapped in a web of international crime and punishment.

The synopsis of Episode 11 "Dead Red" (via reads: "A Russian diplomat's son is killed, leading Castle and Beckett to learn about international crime and foreign politics as Castle is tasked with keeping a Russian security officer busy."

"Castle" Season 8 Episode 11 will be aired on Monday, Feb. 15, at 10 p.m. on ABC.