Survivor Spoilers
Survivor Spoilers.Facebook/ Survivor

"Survivor" season 30 is drawing to a close, and there are only six contestants left: Dan, Will, Rodney, Sierra, Carolyn and Mike. In the last couple of episodes, it was clear that almost everyone else in Merica wants to send home Mike. It remains to be seen if their plans to oust Mike from "Survivor" will work in "My Word Is My Bond" on 13 May. 

While Will and Rodney are clearly the most disliked surviving contestants from "Worlds Apart" – at least according to the fans – they have both done something right. Despite being the worst performers in the challenges, the former blue collar and no collar have managed to scramble their way to the final 6.

Some actually want to see them in the final three so that they face the wrath of the jury. "I'd actually like to see Will and Dan in the end so the jury can just absolutely roast them lol," said Flagrant Liam.

Sierra too has more or less been floating along, as the game progressed. In fact, after episode 4 "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner", when her first close partner Lindsey was eliminated, Sierra has never been a target in the game. If she manages to make it to the final three, none of the jury members would have a vendetta against her, because Sierra has not blind-sided or even engaged in an ugly fight with anyone.

Though a weak performer, Dan has an advantage; he has two votes for any tribal council that he wants to use. Kicking him out would actually be a priority for most Mericans. However, if he plays his cards right, Dan can also ensure a spot in the final 3.

At this point, Mike and Carolyn are the best performers in "Survivor". While Mama C has shown great talent in playing the game and manipulating her alliances, Mike is mostly driven by the will to win.

In the last episode "Holding on for Dear Life", Mama C proved that she could betray her biggest ally Tyler, if it meant advancing in the game. Mike tirelessly looks for the immunity idol until he finds it in "Livin' On the Edge" and proves his love for the game. Fans like Tim Marcowicz are still rooting for Mike to win, although he is literally standing alone against the rest of Merica. "If Mike makes in to the end by winning all the remaining immunity challenges, then my hat goes off to him..."

There are basically two groups for the final 3 – Dan-Will-Rodney and Mike-Carolyn-Sierra – and most of the fans are rooting for the latter.

Josh Bensen commented on the promo for episode 13. "My Word Is My Bond", Dream Final 3: Mike, Carolyn and Sierra! #TeamMike", he said, which was seconded by Jim Bean: "I think a lot of people feel that way. The three idiots (Rodney, Will and Dan) are almost universally disliked. A lot of people have warmed up to Mike in the last few weeks. Carolyn is very good at the game and Sierra hasn't hurt anyone. I would love to see an MCS final."

Meanwhile, Diamond Thompson reminds that "never underestimate the power of a bitter jury. maybe rodney will beat her and I'd love him to, but if she goes with Dan and will she's winning it unanimously. I definitely think rodney played a much better game than she did but rodney has made a lot of people dislike him.."

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