Suhail Shaji's Coolabee offers a
Suhail Shaji's Coolabee offers a "cool" online shopping experience

It is incredible to see how a few businesses, platforms and brands have exceeded boundaries and gone beyond delivering the expectations of their target demographic. What is even more incredible is how most of these companies have made their name in the digital world and have stunned consumers with their product quality and customer service, making the online experience easy and efficient. The online space in the last few years has given birth to innumerable brands and companies that have been created with the intent to reach customers at their doorsteps. Keeping this focus in mind and ensuring to offer people quality products, Coolabee was built from the ground up by founder Suhail Shaji.

He says that Coolabee, based in Kochi, Kerala, India was a vision that he had thought of turning into reality right since the time he saw the world moving digitally. However, it only became a reality for him in January 2023, when he finally launched the online shopping portal. The primary reason that has attracted attention of people toward the online store is the interesting and quality products it offers, like unisex fashion items, mobile phone covers, shoes, other gift items and much more.

Quality is at the epicentre and core at Coolabee, the founder highlights, which is also the USP of the company, while offering products at competitive prices. Its unisex fashion items collection includes trousers, shirts, and T-shirts. All its product categories are eventually created keeping in mind the taste of the target demographic and a trendy appeal capable of evoking excitement in the buyers and the urge to make a purchase instantly.

The founder points out that in the end, it is not about how distinctive people make their companies and brands but also about the genuine aim to offer people quality over everything else while also focusing on providing the best customer service. These factors have allowed his company to thrust forward and create a buzz in the online world, he believes.

"Following trends of an industry is all great, but as business owners and teams, people must remain determined to their missions and visions and stay honest in delivering what they promise," he concludes.