New Delhi, Oct 16 (ANI): Radiant youthful skin is the first sign of good health and the most meager of skin sins you commit, ranging from over exfoliating to using an unclean makeup kit should be avoided if you desire a flawless skin. First in the list is Smoking the biggest ever skin vices. This habit creates wrinkles as well as dull skin and can add in an extra 2.5 years of age. Second includes taking hot showers, however relaxing it may seem. The skin on face is delicate and warm water can weaken the capillaries leading to a redness and dry skin. Third comes Consuming alcohol. Apart from the dull look that it causes, drinking a lot might also dehydrate the skin and remove its natural oils, leaving it extremely dry. Alcohol can also cause permanent damages to skin in the long run. Next comes using dirty makeup bushes. Next time you go for make up, don’t touch your skin with that used dirty brush. It can lead to acne because of bacterial infection.