In the latest episode of "The Simpsons" titled "Lisa with an 'S,'" it seems that after losing a bet, Homer will loan Lisa to Laney despite Marge's protests.

CLICK HERE to watch why Homer was compelled to loan Lisa to Laney and how he and Marge get her back.

According to the synopsis of the episode, when Homer loses $5,000 at a poker game with Broadway legend Laney Fontaine, the only way he is able to settle the bet is if he loans Lisa to Laney for a month.

Afterwards, Laney turns Lisa into a show biz kid and Marge and Homer fear that they made a mistake letting her go. So they head to New York to get her back.

The episode will feature a Broadway legend named Laney Fontaine who plays poker with Homer. However, after several unsuccessful attempts, Homer realises that he has lost a hefty sum of $5,000 and now, in order to square the bet, he has no other option than give Lisa to Laney.

Under the guidance of Laney, Lisa becomes a celebrity star in Broadway. However, soon Homer and Marge realise that they should not have let Lisa go with Fontaine and decide to bring her back from the Big Apple.

In the previous episode titled "Friend with Benefit," Lisa became friends with a rich girl named Harper, whose father became friends with Homer, but Lisa became concerned that Harper was a little too entitled.

Lisa's new school friend was super rich and once Homer came to know about it, he tried to befriend Harper's dad who was a business tycoon.

However, Lisa soon found out that Harper was not as good as she thought initially and is actually a bully. Lisa decided to end her friendship with Harper but Homer got irritated because he didn't want to end his friendship with Harper's dad.