Shudhanshu Dwivedi

Shudhanshu Dwivedi, one of the country's youngest e-commerce entrepreneurs, helps newbies learn what it takes to be successful in today's competitive e-commerce industry. With five years of experience and three start-ups under his belt, he shares his knowledge with anyone willing to listen. He does this by using his business education, as well as his creative thinking, to come up with innovative ways to help people get their start in the e-commerce business.

At just 19 years old, he has become one of India's young e-commerce entrepreneurs. He was inspired to start his company because he felt like there wasn't a place for him as a designer or a developer. He wanted a platform where he could showcase his work and help people who want to step into the e-commerce dropshipping business. He has an online platform that connects people from all over the world with many opportunities in this e-commerce field.

Starting a business is never easy. But if you are passionate and have some knowledge of what you're doing, then there is no excuse for not succeeding. He says he has been able to stand out in the e-commerce space because he combines a keen sense of how marketing works with his education. His strategy is one that other entrepreneurs can pay attention to use social media for marketing purposes; make sure your products are different from those being offered by other companies in your industry; and think about how your company can stand apart from your competitors.

It is important to stand out in an overcrowded e-commerce space. He believes that there are two main ways to do this: having a really good product and/or having a really good marketing strategy. When you have both of these things going for you as well as being an entrepreneur who can think outside the box, then there is no stopping you. He is able to stand out because he has thought of all of these things and learned how they work in my business. He knows that he still needs more experience and learning in order to progress his business further but right now he is proud of what he has accomplished so far.

He shares certain tips for newcomers in the e-commerce space. These are as follows:

  •  Find a niche and focus on that, rather than trying to do everything. This way your marketing efforts will be more directed and you'll know what your company is best at.
  •  Research your competitors before you start anything so that you can create something better or learn how they are doing things better than you.
  •  Make sure your website is mobile-friendly for customers who shop from their phones or tablets. It also helps if your site works well with Google Chrome because people like using that as their web browser and have increased speed when searching for something online.

He is looking for new ways to keep things fresh and exciting. He tries not to get stuck in a rut and only does what he knows already works. According to him, it is important that you are constantly innovating and coming up with new ideas.