London Mayor Boris Johnson has stepped up his advocacy for a
London Mayor Boris Johnson has stepped up his advocacy for a "no" Scotland vote with an emotional article.Reuters

With just 10 days left before Scotland decides whether they want to be independent from the rest of the United Kingdom, the London Mayor has stepped up his advocacy for a "no" vote with a strongly-worded and emotional article.

Writing for the Telegraph, he described that when Scotland separates from rest of the UK, it will be something akin to being decapitated and walking like "zombies".

"I mean that we will be zombies, walking dead, because a fundamental part of our identity will have been killed. We will all have lost a way of thinking about ourselves, a way of explaining ourselves to the world," the London Mayor wrote. "We are on the verge of trashing our global name and brand in an act of self-mutilation that will leave our international rivals stunned, gleeful and discreetly scornful."

Asserting that the "yes" campaign advocated by Alex Salmond was a manifesto for destruction, he argued that Scotland was part of "our being...of what makes us 'us'".

"This vote isn't just about saying 'yes' to Scotland – as the ballot paper seductively and misleadingly implies," he said adding: "Under any circumstances, Scotland will exist and prosper. Under any circumstances people will wave blue and white Scottish flags and take pride in their Scottish nation and its success.

"Alex Salmond and his crew aren't really asking people to say 'yes' to Scotland's success; they are asking them to say 'no' to one of the oldest and most successful political unions in history."

Johnson's bold words come after a poll suggested that pro-Union camp had lost its lead, making the supporters of a unified UK to step up their campaign.

On Sunday, Chancellor George Osborne promised a time table to give further power to Scotland if voters rejected independence at the ballot box, come 18 September.

"You will see in the next few days a plan of action to give more powers to Scotland; more tax powers, more spending powers, more powers over the welfare state," he told the BBC.

The Scotland National Party leader Alex Salmond quickly dismissed the proposal saying it was a last-mute "bribe".