Ron Malhotra

The video has millions of likes and views on Instagram, where he speaks on the manipulation of data, half-baked truth, and a lot more.

The world of social media today is a world of its own. The pros and cons of it are two sides of the same coin. On one end, where it has given umpteen numbers of opportunities to people to build or develop their careers; on the other hand, it has also become a scary place filled with misinformation and half-baked truths. This is precisely what Australia-based millionaire entrepreneur and self-development expert Ron Malhotra brought to light when one of his speeches went viral on Instagram, garnering him a lot of praise and tons of likes and views.

Ron Malhotra, who has remained an influential entrepreneur and motivational speaker, besides being known as a wealth and business expert, was seen in one of the viral videos on Instagram, speaking on the topic of "Indoctrination," which was reposted by a page called Adultsociety. The globally-recognized entrepreneur, who is a best-selling author, often engages in speeches to let the world know his thoughts and opinions on things, and this time, he created a lot of buzz by letting people know how they are being brainwashed by others who make a false narrative and fool them into thinking in only one direction.

He put more light on how there is a difference between Indoctrination and Education, where the former is only about teaching people to fully accept the opinions, beliefs, and ideas of a particular group and not consider other opinions and ideas. He talks about data getting misused to manipulate people, which has been affecting the world. People with power, he says, have been creating false narratives and want society to believe in the "half-baked truth" they serve people. The common man thus gets fooled by the same and starts believing in only one side of the story. In the video, he then shows his book "Indoctrinated," a self-help book to help those who think they have been brainwashed, where he explains that education involves teaching facts and learning about the truth.

The multi-award-winning author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker emphasizes that unlike popular opinion that schools and colleges are enough to live life peacefully, he believes that education is for life-long and people should always seek to know the truth and not get influenced by others' opinions. Critical thinking and self-awareness are what people need to work on, he says.