Dr.Travis Davis

The road to becoming self-employed can be filled with shattered dreams. Few see their childhood desires manifest into careers. Fewer than 2 percent of scholar-athletes can boast the achievement of a professional career, let alone become that superstar we all dreamt of becoming. As cruel as life can be, it does favor the determined and hard-working.

Dr. Davis didn't understand his college career-ending injury as a blessing when it first happened. Instead of focusing on what was lost in this situation, he brushed his loss off and marched on.

After his scholar-athlete career ended while attending Virginia State University, he began strengthening his portfolio in the fast-growing technology field. His competency in the Cyber security sector garnered him notice from domestic and foreign governments, leading to contracts.

Seeing his system of self-dependence as a financial plan for any business owner, he took this opportunity to educate business owners on the power of leveraging government contracts to secure revenue by using their intelligence, skills, and determination throughout the process.

"I want to be known as a connector between people. I would connect you to another person, place, or anything that will serve you to become better than you were yesterday and grow your business".

He envisions a future where everyone wakes up excited with the equal opportunity to build a legacy for their family and future families, with no family ever having to worry about future generations sharing his struggles.

He credits his "work for yourself, not an employer" attitude to a chance lesson learned while working as a project manager at an IT firm: "I had to grab something from the printing machine and came across the pay sheets for everybody. I found my name and saw how little to nothing I was making as an employee for this company compared to the main person in charge. I was furious yet had realized that this is how the world works".

That was the day his entrepreneurial journey began. He promptly quit after this eye-opening realization and never looked back.


1. Manage your time efficiently

2. Learn disciplined budgeting

3. Create seven carts of income, not streams

4. Develop a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset

5. Value the importance of relationships and networking