TV stars
PR Handout

As the clock ticks down towards 2018, many of us are finalising our New Year's resolutions. The New Year approaches and as usual there are great hopes, dreams and resolutions to make for the coming year.

It's that time of year when, after weeks of excess boozing and food consumption, we turn our attentions to self-improvement with New Year resolutions. We bring you the list of your favourite television celebrities and their resolutions for 2018.

Devoleena Bhattacharjee wants to learn something new each day: I have set the resolution to learn something new every day in order to have a better understanding of the world and how it works. Fortunately, the internet makes it incredibly easy to learn new things. Apart from that the daily exercising and communication will help to gain lots of positive learnings. Watching a TED Talk every morning while breakfast and enjoying CrashCourse video on YouTube are fun.

Kunal Jaisingh wants to be more grateful : If you haven't climbed aboard the gratitude bandwagon yet, this is the year to do it. There are studies that show that gratitude can make you 25 percent happier. Think about that for a second: You can be 25 percent happier simply by taking the time to count your blessings and think of all the good things in you life! Being grateful will also help you to overcome adversity, improve the quality of your sleep, and allow you to get along better with others. For next year, I resolve to be more grateful.

Shubhangi Atre wants to spend more time in nature: Humans were not made to be cooped up inside all day. Spending time in nature makes you happier, it boosts your immune system, and it even makes you more creative. I resolve that next year I will be spending more time outside in the beauty of nature. I wish to travel and explore more.

Suyyash Rai wants to create a positive attitude: I'm very positive and emotional person. I want to be more kind and positive in 2018. Having a positive attitude opens your mind to new possibilities, it makes you more resilient, and it can even help you to be cheerful. I want to greet the new year with a smile and resolve to stay positive, no matter what happens.

Yuvika Chaudhary want to be more kind: You may not be able to control how kind other people are to you, but you can always control how kind you are to yourself. This upcoming year, I set the resolution to believe in myself, respect myself, and treat myself well. I always try to be a good companion to myself. In fact, I want to take it even more further. Make 2018 the year I fall in love with myself more and more.

Manish Goplani wants to volunteer: I have set the resolution to do good for others in the upcoming year. After all, you won't just be benefiting those you help; you'll also be benefiting yourself. Volunteering can give you a sense of purpose, make your life more meaningful, increase your self-esteem, and make you happier. In 2018, I wish to get a helper's high by volunteering.

Mahika Sharma wants to enjoy the little things: Living life to the fullest doesn't just mean setting big goals like going bungee jumping or learning to scuba dive. It also includes learning to enjoy the little things. That is, learning to appreciate life's simple pleasures, such as going outside at night to look at the stars. Going to a pet shop to "ooh" and "aah" at the puppies and kittens or say walking barefoot in the grass. I want to enjoy, enjoy and enjoy.

Pearl V Puri wants to bring more peace into his life: I think I can safely say that we all want more peace in our lives. And by this I mean more inner peace, contentment, and serenity. I resolve to bring more peace into my life in the year that's about to begin by accepting what is, practising non-judgement, and teaching my mind to become relaxed.

Tanya Sharma wants to Travel more: I want to Plan more vacations. The world is a beautiful place, and there are many things to see. Next year, I wish to keep visiting a new country in every third months and explore places I always wanted to see. I want to be very sure and lucky so that I would achieve my goal to travel in 2018.