1 of 5 Karlmann King,Karlmann King pics,Karlmann King expensive SUV,World's expensive SUV,expensive SUV car,SUV car,Karlmann King images
Karlmann King is world's most expensive SUV and starts at $2.2 million (14.27 crore). Credit: Www.karlmannking.com
2 of 5 Karlmann King,Karlmann King pics,Karlmann King expensive SUV,World's expensive SUV,expensive SUV car,SUV car,Karlmann King images
Karlmann King designed by a team consisting of over 1800 people, produced by a world top-level custom vehicle manufacturer from Europe, aiming to provide an exquisite collection to the world. Credit: Www.karlmannking.com
3 of 5 Karlmann King,Karlmann King pics,Karlmann King expensive SUV,World's expensive SUV,expensive SUV car,SUV car,Karlmann King images
Karlmann King designed by a Chinese company named IAT and built by 1800 Europeans. Credit: Www.karlmannking.com
4 of 5 Karlmann King,Karlmann King pics,Karlmann King expensive SUV,World's expensive SUV,expensive SUV car,SUV car,Karlmann King images
Karlmann King SUV is bulletproof and comes with a complete entertainment system, coffee maker and refrigerator. Credit: Www.karlmannking.com
5 of 5 Karlmann King,Karlmann King pics,Karlmann King expensive SUV,World's expensive SUV,expensive SUV car,SUV car,Karlmann King images
Karlmann King is undoubtedly the most expensive SUV in the world. Credit: Www.karlmannking.com