One of India's English language Magazines has stirred controversy online after it chose to describe the victory of Narendra Modi with Hitler's title "Triumph of the Will".
One of India's English language Magazines has stirred controversy online after it chose to describe the victory of Narendra Modi with Hitler's title "Triumph of the Will". (Photo: Twitter via Mirza Waheed)Twitter via Mirza Waheed

One of India's English language Magazines has stirred controversy online after it chose to describe the victory of Narendra Modi with the title "Triumph of the Will."

Although it can't be said with certainty if the magazine was aware of subtle implications of the phrase and its history, many people have expressed outrage and awe at the usage, drawing the connection between the magazine's cover title and the 1935 propaganda film "Triumph des Willens" ("Triumph of the Will").

The film made by Leni Riefestahl chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg which was attended by more than 700,000 Nazi supporters. The film also contains excerpts from speeches by Nazi leaders including portions of speeches by Adolf Hitler. The film's main theme was the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the leader who will bring glory to the nation.

Although it is not the first time Narendra Modi has been implicated to be Hitler-like, especially due to his alleged connection with the riots in Gujurat, this seems to be the first time a news publication has used a Nazi's propaganda phrase to describe Modi's victory. While many are irked by the poor taste the news organization has portrayed, others are surprised at the expression as the magazine was reportedly seen as pro-Modi publication.

Here are some reactions from Twitter: