A khap panchayat in Barmer district of Rajasthan has ordered girls not to use mobile phones, citing that they use the phones to take their photos which are later shared on social media sites.
The same khap panchayat has also issued a diktat banning girls from wearing jeans, and has asked grooms to dress in their traditional dhotis instead of any Western wear.
Ironically, the Samdari panchayat in the Kanana village of Barmer district issued the diktats through WhatsApp, according to The Telegraph.
"We have asked young girls to keep away from mobiles as they may get trapped and find themselves in uneasy situations. This may happen if someone clicks obscene pictures of them. It is only an advice, but a good one, which should be followed by all," Naga Ram, the panchayat treasurer, told the newspaper.
Other village members supported the decision, citing that mobile phones distracts girls from studies, without explaining how it does not affect boys in the same way.
Khap panchayats are kangaroo courts and are not recognised under the legal system, though they frequently issue orders that are followed by locals for the fear of punishment or ostracism.
The Barmer panchayat was reportedly praised for its orders to ensure all children are sent to school and that no one should practice child marriage, and for banning alcohol.