fire incident at the ESIC Kamgar hospital
Indian local residents and rescue workers carry a survivor after a fire incident at the ESIC Kamgar hospital in Mumbai on December 17, 2018. - Six people were dead after a fire broke out in a five-storey hospital, local media reported. (Photo by - / AFP)AFP/Getty Images

The death toll in the blaze at a Mumbai hospital Tuesday rose to eight, with two more persons succumbing to injuries overnight, civic officials said.

A five-month-old baby girl was among the deceased at the fire at the government-run ESIC Kamgar hospital on Monday.

"Altogether 176 persons, including three firemen, are now being treated in city hospitals," an official from Disaster Management Unit of BMC said.

Among the admitted, over 25 are critical while 26 have been discharged after primary treatment, " he said.

Meanwhile, a fire official blamed the hospital for not ensuring a fire audit.

The official said he had inspected the hospital a fortnight ago and found the firefighting facilities there were not as per norms.