sand castle
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A Brazilian man managed to avoid high rents for 22 years in the upscale district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by living in a sand castle.

The beach monarch, Marcio Mizael Matolias, lives in his unusual home and pursues his three passions: reading, golf and fishing.

The 44-year-old-man is affectionately called 'The King' by locals, and happily puts on a regal air by posing on his throne in front of his castle with a sceptre in hand. However, he doesn't have people to 'serve' him, he maintains his castle all by himself.

Despite the scorching 40-degree heat, King Marcio constantly waters his home to keep it from collapsing and repairs the damages, reports.

His house might be small as compared to royal family standards but a grandiose view of the expansive beach just outside his sandy house makes up for it.

He said: "I grew up in the Bay of Guanabara, I always lived on the beach. People pay exorbitant rents to live in front of the sea, I do not have bills and here I have a good life."

His unusual castle has now become a major attraction for the tourists. He said: "I have become a sort of tourist attraction."

Matolias has no plans to change his style of living, as he says he cannot imagine any other life. The single and childless man said there is just one drawback -- the stifling heat of the beach.

His sand castle holds all the heat and it becomes unbearable to stay. He said: "The sand holds all the heat, so sometimes at night I can not sleep here, I'll spend the night at a friend's house, but I prefer it here even if I have to lie outside by the sea."