Daily consumption of mangoes can help manage high blood sugar, particularly in obese people, researchers reveal.
Interestingly, regular intake of mangoes did not cause weight gain in participants.
The study included 20 adults- both men (11) and women (9), aged between 20 and 50. Body mass index (BMI) varied from 30 to 45 kg/m2.
BMI is a number calculated from a person's weight and height, to measure body fat. A body mass index (BMI) of 25 and above is considered to be overweight, while a BMI higher than 30 is obese.
During the three month study period, participants took 10 grams of freeze-dried mango along with their normal diet. The men and women also continued to follow their regular exercise schedules and medications. Researchers noted down dietary habits, body measurements (height, weight, hip- waist circumference) and blood sugar levels of the participants at the beginning and end of the study.
At the end of the study, both men and women achieved a considerable reduction in their blood glucose levels. However, researchers couldn't identify the actual mechanism in mangoes that helped this occurrence.
"We believe this research suggests that mangos may give obese individuals a dietary option in helping them maintain or lower their blood sugar. However, the precise component and mechanism has yet to be found and further clinical trials are necessary, particularly in those that have problems with sugar control, such as diabetics, are necessary," lead author of the study, Dr Edralin Lucas, associate professor of nutritional sciences at Oklahoma State University, College of Human Sciences, US, said in a news release.
However, they said that bioactive compounds in mangoes, particularly an antioxidant called mangiferin, may have played a huge role. "We are excited about these promising findings for mangos, which contain many bioactive compounds, including mangiferin, an antioxidant that may contribute to the beneficial effects of mango on blood glucose. In addition, mangos contain fiber, which can help lower glucose absorption into the blood stream," Dr Lucas added. "Our results indicate that daily consumption of 10 grams of freeze-dried mango, which is equivalent to about one-half of a fresh mango (about 100 grams), may help lower blood sugar in obese individuals."
The study has been reported in Nutrition and Metabolic Insights.
All You Want to Know about Mangoes- Some Nutritional Facts
Popularly known as the "king of fruits," in India, mangoes contain a wide variety of nutrients and phytochemicals. Mangoes are abundant sources of vitamin C, A, B6, fibre, copper and folate.
Mangoes contain 100 calories. According to Mango.org, the 20 different types of minerals and vitamins, give it the effect of a superfood.
Some Other Health Benefits of Mangoes from Care 2. com
- Eating mango peel can protect against risk of obesity
- Helps fight different types of cancer
- Helps build immunity
- Lowers blood pressure
- Helps manage cholesterol levels
- Protects eyes and improves eye sight
- Mango alkalizes the body
- Improves sex drive
- Aids food digestion
- Fights acne and helps keep skin clean
- Helps boost memory and concentration
- Prevents formation of kidney stones