Liberty Ross Opens Up About Husband Rupert Sanders’ Cheating Affair With Kristen Stewart
Liberty Ross Opens Up About Husband Rupert Sanders’ Cheating Affair With Kristen StewartReuters

After more than a year, Liberty Ross has finally opened up about the cheating scandal between her husband Rupert Sanders and actress Kristen Stewart.

While Robert Pattinson made no secret of how he felt about the whole Rupert Sanders - Kristen Stewart cheating scandal, the director's better half, Liberty Ross refrained from commenting on the whole event. Now, more than a year later, Ross has finally opened up about the affair that ruined her marriage and tainted Stewart's character for life.

"It was horrible," she told Vanity Fair. "It was really the worst, really the worst. I have no words to describe what we went through. But I think, for me, something always has to completely die for there to be a rebirth. And, for me, I feel like I'm going through a rebirth."

Ross didn't hide the fact that even though she filed for divorce this January, the whole incident is still just as painful as it was when it happened and continues to bring tears to her eyes.  The model also revealed that Sanders had come clean about his affair with Stewart a day before the pictures of the two hugging and kissing were taken by the paparazzi and leaked.

Ross said that after the news broke, a friend allowed her and her two daughters with Sanders to stay in her house till the media frenzy died down.

"I was able to be there completely secluded," recalled Ross. "I just visualized (being) this sort of Masai warrior. I was just going to stand very still and very strong, and just let it all roll past me. I tried to keep as far away from it as I could and to understand that this is my family and it's the most precious thing to me."

Finally, after a few months, Ross decided that it was time to end her marriage with Sanders because the couple had lost their "real connection" with each other. Though the whole ordeal still remains painful, Ross said she wasn't bitter about it anymore and will always cherish the 16 years of togetherness she shared with Sanders.