King Charles'coronation ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey in London. Ahead of the event, King Charles, along with his elder son Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton, greeted well-wishers near Buckingham Palace.

King Charles III crowned king in the first UK coronation since 1953
The archbishop places St Edward's Crown on the King's head. Prince William gives him a garment to King Charles known as the Stole Royal. It's the only new garment being used today.
The Prince of Wales places his hand on St. Edward's Crown after making his homage to King Charles III
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
King Charles takes the coronation oath
On Saturday, King Charles took the solemn oath to govern the people of the United Kingdom with "justice and mercy" and to foster an environment where people of all faiths and beliefs can live freely, news agency AP reported. According to the report, the oath is the second of five elements of the historic coronation rite rooted in more than 1,000 years of tradition. Charles later kissed the holy book.
Charles III, now a crowned King
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The King places his hand on the Holy Gospel and pledges to "perform and keep" promises.
''With this sword do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, protect the holy Church of God and all people of goodwill, help and defend widows and orphans, restore the things that are gone to decay, maintain the things that are restored.''
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
King Charles III has assumed the Coronation Chair
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The Coronation Regalia is presented, starting with the Spurs
King Charles III has assumed the Coronation Chair
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The Coronation Regalia is presented, starting with the Spurs
Our first sight of Charles III, now an anointed King
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
''We are here to crown a King and we crown a King to serve''
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The Archbishop of Canterbury begins the #Coronation sermon
The Bible is presented to The King as the Ascension Choir sings the Alleluia
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
Indians at the coronation ceremony
Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar and his wife Dr Sudeep Dhankhar arrived at Westminster Abbey to represent India at the historic crowning ceremony of King Charles, according to the news agency PTI. They will be seated alongside other Commonwealth Heads of State at the ceremony.
The Anointing is a moment between God and the Monarch. It is screened from view.
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The soldiers holding the Anointing Screen bow their heads as the Oil of Chrism is placed on The King's head, chest and hands.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak makes an appearance- reading from the Epistle to the Colossians, from the New Testament.

The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, reads from the first Letter of St. Paul to the Colossians.
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
''We do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding''
King Charles III and Camilla, the queen consort, Saturday arrived at Westminster Abbey for the Coronation ceremony, according to news agency Reuters.
A prayer is said over the ancient Ampulla holding the Oil of Chrism for the Anointing at the #Coronation
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
At the conclusion of the promises, King Charles III says ''The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.''
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The King then kisses the Bible.
The royal couple travelled at a stately pace in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach bearing a gilded crown, which was commissioned for Queen Elizabeth II in 2012, the report said.
Oh, dear! Last time, #PrinceHarry was obscured by a huge candle ? This time, by Princess Anne's hat. #Coronation
— Richard Eden (@richardaeden) May 6, 2023
Take a look at the Roya; pictures from the coronation ceremony
Queen Camilla wears the Coronation necklace
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
Their Majesties are on their way to Westminster Abbey! #Coronation
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 6, 2023
A statue of King Charles I looms over the procession taking King Charles III to his Coronation
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The Royal Family in Westminster Abbey for the #Coronation
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
His Majesty King Charles III is about to enter Westminster Abbey for the #Coronation
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla prepare to process through Westminster Abbey for the #Coronation
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The Crown of St. Edward and the Crown of Queen Mary on the Altar at Westminster Abbey
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023
The Prince and Princess of Wales, with Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, at the #Coronation
— Coronation News & Updates (@Coronation2023) May 6, 2023