ACB, anti corruption bureau

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) of Jammu and Kashmir registered two FIRs against revenue officer (Girdawar) Abdul Majid Malla for illegally transferring a huge chunk of land in the name of his family members through fraudulent mutation in the records.

Two FIRs have been registered against Girdawar Abdul Majid Malla for disproportionate assets and for illegal and fraudulent mutation in revenue record whereby purchased land measuring 16 kanals was shown acquired through Hiba Zubani.

Anti Corruption Bureau conducted verification into the allegations of accumulation of Disproportionate Assets(DA) through corrupt practices by one Patwari Halqa Matipora Pattan namely Abdul Majid Sheikh alias Malla resident of Wahigund Kunzer, Baramulla, (Now Girdawar Qanoongo Circle Nowshera Tehsil Boniyar).

The verification revealed that the public servant owns various disproportionate assets in the shape of immovable/movable properties acquired by him in his name as well as in the name of his family members. Some of these properties/plots purchased by the suspect Abdul Majid Sheikh alias Malla during the check period include: -

  • Land measuring five Kanals and 13 Marlas situated at Wahigund, Kunzer.
  • Land measuring three Marlas situated at Wahighund, Kunzer.
  • Land measuring 10.05 Marlas situated at Wahigund, Kunzer.
  • Land measuring 13 Marlas situated at Wahigund, Kunzer.
  • Land measuring one Kanal at Wahigund, Kunzer in the name of his wife.
  • Land measuring four Kanals and four Marlas situated at Wahigund, Kunzer.
  • Land measuring one Kanal and 10 Marlas situated at Wahigund, Kunzer in the name of his son Ishfaq Majid.
  • Land measuring 13 Marlas with single storey structure and two shops situated at Pattan, Baramulla in the name of his wife.
  • Land measuring 03 Marlas situated at Pattan.

The verification conducted further revealed that he has also constructed a double-storey house having a plinth area of 600 sft at Wahigund, Kunzer on ancestral land and is also having huge doubtful transactions in his various Bank accounts, besides is in possession of other properties/assets.


Case registered against Revenue officer for disproportionate assets

The value of assets so accumulated as well as expenditure incurred by the suspect public servant were found disproportionate to his known sources of income for which he failed to satisfactorily give account.

Accordingly, on the culmination of the probe a case FIR No 07/2024 under section 5(1) (e) r/w 5 (2) J&K P.C Act. Svt; 2006 was registered in PS ACB Baramulla against Abdul Majid Sheikh @ Malla, the then Patwari (now posted as Girdawar Qanoongo Circle Nowshera Tehsil Boniyar) and the investigation was initiated.

Immediately after registration of the case searches were also conducted at the residence of the accused during which some cash of Rs 3.80 lakh beside other incriminating documents were also recovered which were seized on the spot.

During the course of this disproportionate assets verification, it surfaced that the suspect has purchased the immovable property in the shape of proprietary land of more than 16 Kanals from many persons at Wahigund Kunzer from time to time and these properties have been fraudulently mutated by way of two oral gift deeds in order to evade applicable stamp duty and registration fee etc.


Entered two illegal oral gift mutations

It was found that the accused Girdawar in league with revenue officers/officials namely Bashir Ahmad Reshi son of Ghulam Qadir Reshi of Kanloo, then Patwari Halqa Wailoo, Kralpor, Manzoor Ahmad Khanday son of Abdul Ahad Khanday of Ultkoo, Kawarhuma Tangmarg, then Patwari Halqa Wailoo Kralpora, and Altaf Hussain Khan son of Saifullah Khan of House No. 112-A Balgarden, Srinagar, then Naib Tehsildar Wailoo Kralpora had illegally and fraudulently entered two different oral gift mutations vide No. 117 and No. 123 dated 15.01.2015 in mutation register of the revenue record of Patwari Halqa, Wailoo Kralpora, Kunzer in utter violation of laid down norms in vogue.

The verification conducted as such revealed that the above-named revenue officers/officials, by abuse of their official positions and under a well-knit criminal conspiracy with the suspect beneficiary Abdul Majid Sheikh have paved the way to evade the applicable stamp duty as well as registration charges, thereby conferred huge undue pecuniary gains upon themselves as well as to beneficiary with commensurate loss to Government exchequer.

Accordingly, a separate FIR No 08 under section 5(1) (d) r/w 5(2) J&K PC Act Svt-2006 and sections 467, 468,471,120-B of RPC was registered at ACB PS Baramulla and investigations were initiated against all three revenue officials including the beneficiary accused namely Abdul Majid Sheikh alias Malla resident of Wahigund Tehsil Kunzer.