The ongoing lockdown has compelled people to stay home 24/7 and, in a way, the current situation has made us realise the importance of family now more than ever. It's International Day of Families, and TV actors have opened up about some special moments with their family members.

Before the lockdown got imposed, actress Tanvi Dogra was busy working on her show "Satoshi Maa - Sunaye Vrat Kathayein".
"My father who hails from Chandigarh is a die-hard Punjabi and loves food. He loves cooking. Due to my shooting schedule I didn't get time to help my father in the kitchen but thankfully, I am able to do it now," she said.
"I recently made Punjabi samosa all by myself and the smile on his face made my day. I intend to continue cooking with my father's guidance. Also, the amount of time I can give to my family now is making our bond grow stronger. On regular days due to my tight schedule, I seldom got time to spend with my family. However, this is the perfect time to engage in and learn new things about each other, and I intend to continue it," she added.
It was the same for "Kahat Hanuman Jai Shri Ram" actress Sneha Wagh.
"Due to work commitments, me and my family members barely got time to spend with each other. With the current lockdown scenario, we are undertaking a lot of family engagement activities," she said.

"Not just with immediate family, but video calls with distant relatives have become a regular affair too. Also, we have divided household chores among ourselves to share the load and ensure everyone's participation in such times of need. It has brought us all together and we would like to continue sharing the load and giving each other adequate time," she added.
Actor Yogesh Tripathi of "Happu Ki Ultan Paltan" fame is making the most of his time bonding with his family members.
"Nothing is better than spending some quality time with family, eating good food and relaxing, and I have realised the importance of this in the lockdown phase. After a long time, I have been able to enjoy small joys in life such as drawing sessions with my son, helping my wife in the kitchen, catching up on favourite movies, and exploring many other things that makes us happy as a family," he said.
Actor Ashish Kadian, who plays Indresh in "Santoshi Maa - Sunaye Vrat Kathayein", said: "I love consuming art films and Bollywood masala movies and my mother is a fan of classics. Due to the lockdown me and my mother indulge in movie sessions where we take turns and watch each other's favourites. This is one activity that I would like to continue post lockdown is uplifted."
Actor Manmohan Tiwari, Pappu of "Gudiya Humari Sabhi Pe Bhari" show, shared that this lockdown has in a way been a vacation for him where he gets to spend quality time with his family.
"The dinner table talks, fun game sessions, movie nights, etc. have been on my list since a long time but on regular days we hardly got time for each other. This time when I am home, I am striking off a lot of things from my wish-list and it is making us love each other even more. I request all of you to make sure your family comes first and in the process of being the breadwinner, do not ignore the basic requirement of giving time to them," he said.