A district in Indonesia, Luwu, has banned the sale of condoms in convenience stores to prevent premarital sex. 

Andi Mudzakkar, District Head of the central Sulawesi island, said that the district will be sending a notification to the convenience stores saying that they have a week to withdraw the products from its shelves.

The district head added, "We are concerned that premarital sex is on the rise among teenagers."

Condoms will still be available in pharmacies for those above the age of 17.

Activists fighting for awareness about HIV and safe sexual behaviour warn that the move is misguided and won't be useful in curbing "risky sexual behaviour."

Yakub Gunawan, an activist from the Red Institute, said, "The Luwu government should be promoting early sex education instead so teenagers will know how to be responsible and protect themselves."

There has been an increasing crackdown on the use of condoms in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, claiming that it was "immoral"

Earlier this year, the top Islamic body in Indonesia had denounced the celebration of Valentine's Day after reports of sale of chocolates with condoms, reports South China Morning Post.