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An Indian man has landed in serious legal trouble over a Facebook post, in which he reportedly 'cursed' the Prophet and Islam. 

The 41-year-old man had posted a 'blasphemous' Facebook status last July, and may now face punishment of up to seven years in prison and a penalty of Dh1 million if found guilty. 

It was an Indian salesman who complained against the 41-year-old last year, after he received an image of the latter's Facebook post on WhatsApp, according to Gulf News.

"The image was about a Facebook status in which the Prophet and Islam were cursed. I went to the nearest police station and complained thereafter," the complainant testified in court on Monday. 

The accused reportedly did not show up at the  Dubai Court of First Instance for a trial on Monday. 

The prosecutors have charged him with the abuse of social media and insulting Islam, and have demanded the strictest punishment under UAE's cybercrime laws. 

The accused allegedly put up the Facebook post after watching news about the unrest in Iraq last year.

The next hearing is on 27 April.