Koray Akbiyik

The closer we look around ourselves, the more we notice how a few businesses have remained on top and have been on a constant growth pedestal. Ever wondered why? Because most of these brands have worked towards staying relevant in the industry while also sticking to their core values and mission. However, the maximum credit must go to the astute brains behind these brands that, even amidst saturation and fierce competition, keep moving ahead and take their brands to the next level of success.

Above all this, there are a few traits and qualities of people and professionals that help them win battles in the business world and also take them towards becoming their best versions. These qualities are resilience, honesty, and passion for something. When mixed together, they act like a success potion and lead people towards their definition of success, believes Koray Akbiyik, one of such talented beings in the fitness and supplement world, who owns the brand BPS Pharma, known under the label #not4puyssy.

Speaking about his struggles, he says that in 2014 he was about to lose everything owing to a failed business deal. Nearly a decade after this incident, he worked for Olimp Sports Nutrition. Over the span of 25 years, he gained knowledge and expertise in the supplements and sports nutrition industry while also excelling as an artist in the graffiti realm. However, to support his family, he worked for the next two years to build Gigas Nutrition and soon realized the need to create his own supplement brand framework in the form of Not4Puyssy. He dived deep into the supplement industry and noticed the many changes, developments, and trends. This opened his eyes to the many dangerous ingredients that supplement brands used. Hence, in 2016 he formed his brand, offering the highest quality pre-workouts.

He says that his journey throughout was filled with too many hurdles and challenges, but his strong quest to make a positive difference in the lives of others through his work has what kept him going. He learned how resilience and passion for something can change and transform the lives of people.

His successes have motivated budding talents in the industry today, looking forward to following in his footsteps to work with passion and resilience.

He, who owns BPS Pharma, known under the label #not4puyssy, says that hard work has no shortcuts, and perseverance can provide long-lasting results.