Jordan Bown

Millionaire and entrepreneur, Jordan Bown's success was not luck. Instead, it was a snowball effect of a dream he'd had for himself as a child. A life of luxury, success, and acknowledgement for his accomplishments; that's what he pictured when he thought of his future self.

The success of dropshipping and his new online course has skyrocketed him into a realm of wealth that allows him to live the life that he always dreamed of. Now, he plans to raise others up to this level and encourages them to create lives for themselves, much like the ones they dreamed of when they were younger.

"In my early days, I was very positive I would never work long term traditional jobs or go to college. It was very clear to me that I would get into the business world and create a life based on my own terms," he says. He attributes a good amount of his success to his rejection of the 'common path' of graduating high school, going to college, entering the workforce, and working everyday until retirement.

He agrees that an early vision can help anyone, but it really only matters what a new entrepreneur does in the now to achieve their future goals. And while he has had his fair share of bad pasts, he doesn't think anyone should make these things defining moments in their life. Instead, he encourages others to grow past hard times too.

So, when he graduated high school, he invested his time into hands-on experience in marketing – which he loved for its ability to tell a story and appeal to large audiences. "Once I learned the inner workings of marketing I began to realize I could just market things myself. I hated running an agency because I had to still be at the mercy of my clients and have a schedule that worked around them.. which is the whole reason I didn't want a job," he explains. He felt like this position was really for someone who wanted a corporate position even though it was technically his own business.

"So, I started dropshipping clothes and saw my first $1k day on black Friday in 2018. I finally created my first profitable business 2 years after graduating high school!" This feat later turned into the success he has today because of his persistence and the evolution of his marketing strategies.

His journey seems straight forward but it was full of ups and downs, successes, and also lots of failures. He wants others to know that this is simply just part of the process and one of the best decisions he's made.

He believes that many people shy away from the uncertainties of leaving the 'common path' and those that do, don't put enough faith in themselves to get to the point that he and many others have. It's important to know what you want and be willing to work as hard as you can for it.

"As an Entrepreneur failure has to become your best friend" he says. He believes that as long as you have a vision and can work hard, you can achieve whatever you dream of.

It's important for him to let others know that they too, can live the life he lives. Hard work played a huge role, but luck certainly did not. For these reasons, he has bettered his life, had great success in his field, and gets to work on his true passions every day.