Haresshvar Sakthivelu

Life does not work in one way. To earn unachievable success you have to go through gut-wrenching hardship. Haresshvar Sakthivelu has made a name domain of fitness and nutrition. The story of the man is inspiration for the Indians. He is the CEO of Level Up Nutrition, sports nutrition companies to sell products to the upgrading fitness acquainted people. He also owns Chimera Supplements, the sports supplements manufacturer in India bringing one of the best in sports medicine and supplementation science to the industry.

As history says, fortune favors the brave. It took limitless efforts, a decisive will to counter every excuse, and an everlasting potential to make the dream come true. Haresshvar's started when after many tries from numerous coaches he finally met with BigleeMurali. He used to be a lethargic boy in middle school who could easily spend over a thousand rupees on junk food, making him obese with 115 kgs of weight. When he was in 12th standard, he wanted to change his surrounding influence by transforming himself and his mentor Murali proved a blessing to him. As per his proper guidance and routine, he turned into a complacent adult from an overweight inexperienced kid to strike the fifth rank in the Mr. Chennai contest following the title of Mr. Tamil Nadu 2017. After the success, everything seemed crystal clear to him and he found his hidden passion for fitness. He kick started his coaching business in the month of December 2017, which resulted in success taking into vision the struggles he attempted for his clients. As Haresh says, "Some people might be able to eat junk and still be thin. Not everyone is that lucky. Stop comparing your body or situations with that of others. Focus on what you have and come up with a key to making the changes to your life that will get you to your goal."

He did not have the chance to find his true self initially and went with the herd. However, it was never satisfactory and the searching for the peace and fulfillment of his perspective of life started. Several fights against the frustration and peer pressure from relatives, he found his true self and kept doing what he loved; then success followed.