Wondershare Filmora 12


When one is creating videos aimed at attracting the masses, a lot of things are worth considering. Adding high-quality effects and transitions is essential while making sure a creative theme is maintained throughout. While video editing, only some software options are helpful for easily keeping track of both factors, among others.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent example of this type of software with advanced functions that work with different use cases. It offers automated features that allow users to get quick and high-quality projects while also leaving space for users to add their creative spin to their videos.
While the previous version was good, it is expected that the newest offering of Wondershare, i.e., Filmora 12, will have more advanced benefits for users. In many aspects, that is accurate. Let's understand how.

Wondershare Filmora 12- What to Expect

Wondershare Filmora 12 is the upcoming upgrade of the video editing software, expected to release to the masses in 2023. This simplified software, like its predecessor, had a cross-platform compatibility factor. So, users can efficiently operate this software on Mac and Windows devices, transferring files smoothly as well.

A major USP of the Filmora software is that users can experience a simple user experience when working with this software. Ingrained with the drag-and-drop functionality, content creators looking to edit quick and high-quality videos can benefit from this app heavily.

Features to Look Out For

Indeed, Wondershare Filmora 12 has improved in certain spheres, contributing to the potential high-quality user experience one can expect from the software. While the previous version already had many exciting features, the new version has improved upon many of the existing specifications and added unique benefits.

Here are some of the new features that Filmora 12 users will have the chance to enjoy.

1. Video Review/Collaboration

Professionals working with other content creators need platforms that allow them cohesive interaction with the team members. In Filmora 12, this is further optimized to meet the collaborative needs of editors, which freelance editing experts find very useful.

Users here get collaboration and video review functions that make it simple to share the videos seamlessly. Throughout this process, you can expect strong security with the data transfers as well. The Collaboration-related feature here allows users to invite team members to reply to comments within the cloud-supported Workspace and insert time-coded notes.

2. Enhanced Keyframe

Keyframing as a feature was available in Filmora 11 as well. In this newest version, users will get more parameters to control keyframe-based changes carefully. These include more options available here for color correction, rotation, position changing, and scaling, to name a few.

3. Switchable Workspace Layouts

There are different layouts available for workspace that you can select and apply to your project quickly with this software. Five premade layouts are available for varying workflow types and monitor sizes, aiming to optimize the user experience.

For example, total beginner-level editors will not require highly complex workspaces with advanced functions that are too complex to operate. Similarly, a proficient video editor will find it challenging to work on a platform that does not show advanced features at easily accessible locations.
On Filmora 12, you can switch between such premade workspace styles that fit your requirements and even view media playback on another monitor through a Dual Monitor layout.

4.3D Title

Another fun feature video editors find exciting about Wondershare Filmora 12 is the ability to add 3D titles to the videos. While the premade title templates are available for users still, another 3D-centric category is available now with more unique title choices.

5. Draw Mask

Filmora 12 comes with the Draw Mask function among the previous masking functions available on the software. With this feature, you will get a pen tool available on the software that you can use to prepare the free-form type of shapes around objects to cut them apart for masking.
Use either curve or straight line segments with the Bezier path type while creating the mask shapes.

Technical and Pricing Considerations

On this note, consider how the software works in terms of its structural composition. Knowing this detail will allow you to use the software with the right operating system that will not cause functional issues.

Like Filmora 11, the Filmora 12 version also works in two manners, one for Mac users and the other for Windows users. Here are the specifications to take note of.

Supported OS for Windows: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 (64-bit)

  • RAM- 4 GB of RAM
  • Processor- Intel i3 or higher-powered multi-core processor with 2GHz+.
  • Disk- Keep around 10 GB of storage space for installation.
  • Graphics- Intel HD Graphics 5000, AMD Radeon RZ, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700

Supported OS for Mac: macOS 10.14, 10.15, 11, and 12

  • RAM- 8 GB of RAM
  • Processor- Intel 5 or higher-powered multi-core processor with 2GHz+.
  • Disk- At least 10 GB of free storage should work for the installation.
  • Graphics- Intel HD Graphics 5000, AMD Radeon RZ

Cost Breakdown of Plans

In the newer Filmora 12 version, there is a noticeable change in the type of payment offers available for the packages as well. The following is the expected price breakdown for the Filmora 12 software.

  • Filmora (only):  Annual- USD 49.99, Perpetual- USD 69.99, Cross-Platform- USD 79.99
  • Filmora + Filmstock Package:  Annual- USD 49.99 (+USD 28.99 for Filmstock), Perpetual- USD 69.99 (+USD 28.99 for Filmstock), Cross-Platform- USD 79.99 (+USD 28.99 for Filmstock).

Should you try out Filmora 12?

Overall, Filmora 12 is expected to surpass the expectations of different users in terms of expanding beyond the current standards. The multiple new and optimized features are helpful for different types of video editing work that content creators require for their video production.

The simplified interface of Filmora 12 is user-friendly and now includes more advanced functions like AI Audio Stretch, like Adobe Premiere Pro. So, in various ways, the software is a high-quality choice to depend on.

About Wondershare

Wondershare, since it became active in 2003, has focused on giving video editing professionals and content creators a chance to expand their creativity with optimized technological solutions. The company releases new and valuable software options with advanced functions consistently and allows creators the opportunity to promote their projects as well.