Google Rolls Out Earth Support for Drives, Advance Search Options for GmailCourtesy

Search giant Google rolled out on Thursday a series of handy search options for its cloud-based Gmail services in a move that would provide ease to its users.

According to an official Gmail blog post by software engineer Christian Kurmann, the new advanced search options added to Gmail services will help streamline the search process further. Users will now be able to search emails by order of date, attachment size and other options.

"We're always looking for ways to make it faster and easier for you to find your messages using search in Gmail. So starting today, you can now search emails by size, more flexible date options, exact match and more. This means, for example, to find emails larger than 5MB, you can search for size: 5m or larger: 5m or to find emails sent over a year ago, older_than:1y," read the blog post.

The latest updates to Gmail were followed by the new 'compose' box and 'autocomplete' features that were unveiled earlier this week. Kurmann said that the new add-on feature will work in conjunction with other features of Gmail. Users can now also check mails while typing and can compose two messages simultaneously.

"These changes go hand in hand with other recent enhancements to search such as the improved autocomplete predictions and a field trial for instant results from Gmail, Google Drive and more as you type," said Kurmann.

Additionally, Google has added Google Earth files support for Google Drive. This feature allows users to open, preview and edit those files using formats like .KML and .KMZ directly in Google Drive.

The latest update also aids users to retrieve files from Trash as search for those which might have deleted accidently.