Easter Day
Easter DayReuters

Christians all over the world are busy with their holy week, which will end on the day after Easter. They celebrated Good Friday, also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday or Easter Friday, March 25. It is observed the Friday before Easter.

Good Friday is a public holiday in many parts of the world and followers consider it as a day to fast as their sacrifice to Jesus, who died for the sins of other people on Earth. It is the day when Jesus Christ's crucifixion took place, leading to his death at Calvary.

After Good Friday, people celebrate Easter Day. Sunday is celebrated as the Easter Day as it is on this day that Christ resurrected. Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross.

Easter is a holy festival, during which special prayers are sung in praise of Jesus Christ in church. It is then followed by an elaborate Sunday mass, with happy music being played in the background. People also decorate eggs as part of the celebration and they are known as "Easter Eggs."

Take a look at some picture greetings for Easter Day here: