Android Kitkat Easter Egg
Easter Egg found in Android Kitkat 4.4.4Reporter

Nearly all softwares and operating systems hide several funny and interesting features that encourage the user to find out more about it. Named Easter Eggs, these features are usually meant to pique the curiosity of the users.

Usually, these Easter eggs contain cool-short animations. Lollipop aka Android 5.0, Android operating system's latest update from Google hides such an exciting Easter Egg too. And to make the version more exciting, Google has chosen a full featured game inside it.

Flappy Bird, an Android-based game has been discovered by 'Android Central'. For finding this feature all you need is a smartphone that runs the Lollipop Developer Preview.

The game can be found inside the setting's menu under the "Android Version" tab; on tapping it a few times repeatedly, one would found an animated Lollipop image over the screen.

The colours of Lollipop keep changes with the taps. To play the game just tap and hold for some time.

The last version of the operating system, Android 4.4.4 featured an Easter Egg too inside it. Keep tapping the 'Android Version' tab simultaneously for a few consecutive times, a capital 'K' comes on the screen which will keep spinning with your taps. Upon tapping 'K' a few times, an Android logo appears in a KitKat chocolate lookalike wrapper. Do try it today.