Heard of five-year-old Hawkeye Huey? You may not have but 139,000 people swear by him. They are his followers on his Instagram account.

When National Geographic photographer Aaron Huey started making his way around the West Coast of the United States for a holiday in 2014, he wanted to share the fun with his then-four-year-old son Hawkeye.

The young photographer is, would you believe it, represented by National Geographic, according to a Business Insider report.

Hawkeye is the son of National Geographic photographer Aaron Huey. When Aaron started making his way around the West Coast of the United States for a holiday in 2014, he wanted to share the fun with his then-four-year-old son Hawkeye.

It is believed that on their first day out at the Salton Sea in Southern California, Huey decided to gift his son a Fuji camera.

This father-son duo travelled from Seattle to the Southern California. Along their journey, they climbed mountains and visited native American Markets.

"At the age of four, I think my son Hawkeye was open to just about anything", Aaron told Business Insider. Aaron has 600,000 Instagram followers and regularly contributes to National Geographic channel, according to the report.

National Geographic suggested Huey to open an individual account in Hawkeye's name.

In a joint collaboration, Huey and his son are currently raising money to fund Hawkeye's first book via Kickstarter. They have raised around $37,000 though the initial target was $ 35,000 .

Talking about his son's photographs, Aaron says the reason they (the photographs) are so different is because the photographs are 3-feet-off the ground.

"That is an angle nobody ever sees," Huey told Business Insider.

Aaron makes his intentions with his family collaboration crystal clear; "I am not trying to make him a photographer, I am trying to make a young engaged man, a truth seeker, a beauty maker and a warrior," Huey added.

Using categories of the pictures, the unusual title of their book is 'Cowboys, Indians, Hobos, Gamblers, Patriots, Tourists and Sunsets'.

Huey said his son Hawkeye did the image sequencing for the book himself, but has been distracted by Lego and ice-cream.