Ansh Jagwani
Ansh Jagwani

In an exclusive interview with our entrepreneur and influencer, we talk to Jagwani and discover, what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and how he came about pursuing his journey.
Read on to here is take on the several aspects of being a dynamic businessman.

1. How did you get the idea/concept of your business?

My business is based upon creating multiple streams of revenue to become financially independent and therefore lead the life I always dreamed, I one day comfortably could. This led to the decision of sitting myself down and having 'the' chat one avoids having with oneself for a long time.
The idea behind this chat stemmed unconsciously after understanding the depth of this faintly new, yet age old concept of 'adding value to society' by simply not being just another 'Periodic Santa Claus', who is capable only to benefit those around him, after much self-deliberation that it wasn't 'selfish', to be the 'Naysayer' or the 'bearer' of bad news which can more often than not, dishearten those that look up to him as that messiah of instant gratification and temporary relief only in times of aid; but somebody who literally throws himself off course sometimes permanently, by almost paralyzing himself to please those who look up to him as their savior. The leader who had what it took to lead, but seldom had the resources to absorb the best and the worst of any situation thrown his way.

2. To what do you attribute your success?

Being an eternal student, I guess. The 'Pappu' that 'mastered' everything by failing & repeating every 'grade' in high school 'consistently' without shamelessly graduating as a student, but much to everyone's surprise & quite his own -
Emerging as 'Professor- Dumbledore' instead. Odd, isn't it?

3. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

-Be relentless.
-Be patient (I struggle with this even today if I'm not centered & self-aware.)
-Be kind to yourself
(Even repeated failures are success coaches disguised as enemies who are secretly helping you realize the looping patterns in life you are unconsciously, yet deliberately repeating)
-Be Consistent. No excuses.

4. What do you look for in an employee?

Their DRIVE.
Their vision.
Their Work ethic.
Their Transparency.
Their ability to hold their ground even in the face of adversity.

5. What would you say is unique about your business strategy?

Exercising the principle of conscience learning through repeated failures & extreme self-doubt, which makes it okay to occasionally fail as long as there are a humble and not bitter lessons to be learned somewhere along the way.

6. What is your dream job?

Creating opportunities for myself and those around me without classifying anything what we passionately do, into the bracket of calling it, 'a job'.

7. Who is your inspiration?

The vision of the man who I see every day - as soon as I wake up or fall asleep, the man who resembles me, and even talks like me, who has an unparalleled work ethic which makes him strive to be the best version of himself.
With no intention of sounding pompous - I am my own inspiration.

8. What would you do with unlimited resources?

Create more and give away more and more. Be the first empathetic business magnate perhaps.