The soaring popularity of Dragon Ball Xenoverse can only be matched by its unhindered gameplay and its creative fighters that are based on the Dragon Ball media franchise.
The game has had issues in its multiplayer online mode with many players unable to play the mode, following its launch on 24 February 2015 for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
Bandai Namco has been fixing issues as and when they are ready. On 14 March, it released the fix for PC version of the game. Players can still play the game without any hitch in the single mode.
Here are some guides that will help players better their game by unlocking Mentor moves, challenges and more.
Guide to Unlock all the Mentor Moves and Challenges
The game of Dragon Ball Xenoverse will let players meet different mentors or masters during their travel across the game. And every mentor has something new to teach the players that will eventually help them move ahead.
There will be four challenges to every mentor but there will be new move each time players complete one challenge.
As players progress and level up, they will see many mentors. Every time they load the game, they will see many mentors in the overworld map and they have to do some exploring if they want to find the one they want.
At any given time, a player can have only one mentor, but one can switch current mentor in between the training period, provided that it is not yet completed. Also the progress in such a situation will not be lost and hence players can alternate between the mentors of their liking.
But it is always advisable that players complete training under all the mentors available in the game. Below is a guide that will help players to get the moves they would like from mentors :
Friendship Meter
Once a player starts training with a mentor, he/she will be given access to the first challenge. This has to be completed to get your first move.
As told earlier, every mentor will have four challenges that will become increasingly difficult as they move from one challenge to the other.
But the movement from challenge one to challenge four won't happen unless they have filled the friendship meter.
To check the Friendship Meter – players have to go to Start > Play Data Menu > scroll left or right.
There are 12 slots that have to be filled as players make their journey across the game. The individual slot will have four small circles on the left indicating the completion of the challenge and one bar on the right indicating the friendship meter. The friendship meter gets filled up in green as players gain experience. The way forward here is, once the bar reaches one circle, the next challenge unlocks. So the question is how to fill it up quickly?
Below are some of the steps that can be used by players:
- Gain experience through the story mode or on parallel quests. This is the most surefire way to gain access to the other challenges without having to do anything else.
- Use your mentor/master as your NPC partner during parallel quests.
- Performing moves learned by your mentor in battle will increase the friendship meter.
NOTE: Completing all four challenges will let your character receive your mentor's Z-Soul, which will increase the damage output of that mentor's specific moves.
Mentor and Challenge List
We now know that there are 12 mentors that players have to search and get trained by them. It is only by the completion of certain parts of the story mode and reaching a certain level that will make them appear.
Below is a list of the mentors, the challenges and the requirements that are needed in order to find them (ShiniGaming):
Complete the first half of the Saiyan Saga – Level 5 required
1. Challenge – Orin Combo
2. Challenge – Destructo-Disc
Get Krillin an Energy Capsule S, which you can buy in the Item Shop.
3. Challenge – Spread Shot Retreat
4. Challenge – Scatter Kamehameha
Complete the first half of the Saiyan Saga – Level 5 required
1. Challenge – Evil Explosion
2. Challenge – Super Explosive Wave
Get Piccolo an All Energy Capsule S, which you can buy in the Item Shop.
3. Challenge – Light Grenade
4. Challenge – Special Beam Cannon
Complete the Saiyan Saga – Level 8 required
1. Challenge – Galick Gun
2. Challenge – Final Barrage
Get Vegeta the Z-Soul equipment "I'm the Strongest on Earth!" This item can be received only by completing parallel quest #5: "Attack of the Saiyans". Players must note that they need to defeat all the Saibamen before they head towards Raditz and Nappa. Next step is to go to the next zone and defeat Vegeta. Defeating all the Sibamen will enable players to trigger a special event – that will again see Nappa and Raditz in action, this will allow Vegeta to recover. Now they can deafeate all the three and grab the equipment but make sure that you get Z-Soul, it not try again.
3. Challenge – Shine Shot
4. Challenge – Final Flash
Captain Ginyu
Complete the first half of the Frieza Saga – Level 15 required
1. Challenge – Fighting Pose F
2. Challenge – Fighting Pose A
3. Challenge – Milky Cannon
4. Challenge – Body Change
Complete the Frieza Saga and complete Ginyu's training – Level 20 required
1. Challenge – Death Beam
2. Challenge – Death Crasher
Get Frieza an All-Regen Shard. You can find this item lying around on the parallel quest #8: "Namekian Dragonballs".
3. Challenge – Emperor's Sign
4. Challenge – Supernova
Complete the first half of the Android Saga
1. Challenge – Dynamite Kick
2. Challenge – Present for You
3. Challenge – Rolling Hercule Punch
4. Challenge – The Savior Has Come
Complete the Cell Saga – Level 30 required
1. Challenge – All Clear
2. Challenge – Gravity Impact
3. Challenge – Perfect Shot
4. Challenge – Perfect Kamehameha
Android #18
Complete the Android Saga – Level 34 required
1. Challenge – Power Blitz
2. Challenge – Endless Shot
3. Challenge – Deadly Dance
4. Challenge – Dual Destructo-Disc
Adult Gohan and Videl
Complete the Buu Saga – Level 40 required
1. Challenge – Eagle Kick
2. Challenge – Ki Blast Cannon
Get Gohan and Videl the Z-soul equipment "I'm...I'm okay!". To get this item they have to complete parallel quest #47 ("Super-Super Ultimate Series of Battles!"). Players will now see Kid Trunks standing in front of World Tournament area, they can accept the game from him. Note that this is one of the most difficult parallel quests in the game. Players have to be prepared (spam Final Flash as Super Saiyan and keep your Ki Bar filled with Z-soul "Why yoooou" after the rival is killed.) Players see to it that they get item "I'm...I'm okay!" once they defeat Videl. They must get a pop up that reads, "You got Equipment," and in case they do not get this, they have to fight again until they get it. Players can also find an existing lobby in the online parallel quest section in order to make this mission much easier.
3. Challenge – Hawk Charge
4. Challenge – Justice Combination
Complete the Buu Saga – Level 40 required
1. Challenge – Galactic Donuts
2. Challenge – DIE DIE Missile Barrage
3. Challenge – Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Super)
4. Challenge – Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Ultimate)
Complete the Démigra Saga – Level 70 required
1. Challenge – After Image Strike
2. Challenge – Spirit Bomb
Get Goku a Sensu Essence Capsule, which can be bought in the Item Shop.
3. Challenge – x10 Kamehameha
4. Challenge – Super Kamehameha
Complete Goku's training – Level 70 required
1. Challenge – Headshot
2. Challenge – no skill
3. Challenge – God of Destruction's Anger
4. Challenge – Sphere of Destruction
Guide to Unlock Secret Characters
As players enter the game, they will be having some of game's main fighters like Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo, but the villainous fighters in the game have to be unlocked by the player.
However, the process to unlock the characters is easier and there are three ways to unlock them in the game's story mode, by completing the tasks and unlocking of the secret characters and the DLC, reported iDigitalTimes.
The Story Mode
In this mode, the fighter character that the player has chosen has to go through the storylines that have been set up in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse. It is only after the completion of a saga that they will have access to some of the locked characters.
Below is a list of characters in the story mode that can be unclocked:
- Goku (Base, Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3)
- Super Saiyan 4 Goku
- Super Saiyan God Goku
- Kid Gohan
- Teen Gohan (Super Saiyan 1, 2)
- Adult Gohan (Normal/Ultimate)
- Krillin
- Piccolo
- Yamcha
- Tien
- Vegeta (Base, Super)
- Kid Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan 1)
- Future Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan 1)
- Goten (Base, Super Saiyan 1)
- Hercule
- Great Saiyaman
- Videl
- Gotenks (Base, Super Saiyan 3)
- Vegito (Base, Super)
- Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
- Raditz
- Nappa
- Saibaman
- First Form Frieza
- Final Form Frieza
- 100% Power Frieza
- Captain Ginyu
- Recoome
- Guldo
- Burter
- Jeice
- Appule
- Raspberry
- Perfect Form Cell
- Perfect Cell
- Cell Jr.
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Majin Buu
- Super Buu
- Kid Buu
- Beerus
- Whis
Secret Characters Unlocking
Players who are able to complete certain Parallel Quests will be able to unlock the secret characters that are on normal circumstances unavailable.
Below is the list of secret characters that Dragon Ball Xenoverse players will be able to unlock:
- Unlock Vegito: Parallel Quest 37 / D Rank, that's all you gotta do!
- Unlock SSJ4 Goku: Finish all 55 Parallel Quests
- Unlock Bardock: Obtain five Time Shards, complete the Ultimate Super Saiyan story quests, then finish Parallel Quest #52.
- Unlock Broly: Obtain five Time Shards, finish Bardocks quest, and then complete parallel quest #53.
- Unlock Gogeta: Summon Shenron (fight Time Patrollers to obtain Dragonballs) and then summon the dragon.
- Unlock Super 17: Summon Shenron
- Unlock Omega Shenron: Summon Shenron
DLC Method
This is the third way to get the characters is through DLC. The first DLC pack is to be released in March.
Below is the list of DLC characters that players will be getting:
- SSJ 4 Vegeta GT - Preorder Bonus
- Kid Goku (GT) - DLC Pack 1
- Pan (GT) - DLC Pack 1
- Trunks (GT) - DLC Pack 1
Quickest Way to Grab all the 7 Dragon Balls
Fans who are pondering a way to grab all the seven Dragon Balls in the quickest ways leading to unlocking of the extra content in the game.
Players will be able to summon Shenron once they have in their possession seven Dragon Balls. They can either wish for some powerful gears or they would go in for characters.
Some members from the fan community have discovered one method that can be used to quicken the collection of the Dragon Balls, reported iDigitalTimes.
Guide to Farming
After reaching level 10, players will have to start farming any one of the various Parallel Quests that are available.
Going to the specifics, players will have to farm Parallel Quest #2, "Prepare for the Attack of Saiyans!" They will also have to complete this quest but in a way that is slightly different than what is asks you to do.
In this mission, players will have to get into offensive and quickly eliminate Krillin, Tien and Yamcha. Their death will open a portal – a sky above Kami's Lookout but players must note, not to enter the portal, yet.
Players now need to challenge the Time Patroller seen materialising on the doorway to Kami's Lookout. Then, quickly eliminate him and with the requirement of ending the fight with a Super move. And check if you have received a notification that mentions about you receiving a new Material item and a new key item that has been added to the inventory. In case the players do not get this notification, they have to open the Pause Menu and Restart the fight.
With the key item with you, complete the mission and get back to town with a Dragon Ball. Then find the portal the you had not entered and get into it to reach the final battle from the "Prepare for the Attack of Saiyans!" encounter.
Once a player enters the portal, they might want to switch to a conservative play style. Dying during the fight with Gohan and Piccolo will reset the entire encounter, wiping away the dragon ball you just earned, noted Gamer Fuzion.
This process has to be repeated six times more to lay hands on all the seven dragon balls.
According to Twinfinite, this method will allow players to make a new wish from Shenron in about an hour, provided players did not have any problems fighting with Time Patroller.
(YouTube Courtesy: GF LaserBolt – GamerFuzion)
Guide to Getting Crystal Shards
In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, players would know that there are some items that are of the rarest kinds. One such item is the Dragon Balls that allows players with secret characters and other items.
There are many fighters in the game that can be unlocked by getting a rate item – Time Crystal Shards.
If players want to unlock Broly and Bardock then they have to go in for the five Time Crystal Shards.
If players collect the Crystal Shards, they will unlock 'Legendary Super Saiyan' saga. The completion of this saga will make available Broly and Bardock, when players check their character selection screen.
Below is a guide to get five Time Crystal Shards, there are five ways to get (Saiyan Island):
- Shard 1 – Defeat Demigra
- Shard 2 – Talk to non-playable character Recon in Toki Toki City
- Shard 3 – Win Parallel Quest 49
- Shard 4 – Win Parallel Quest 14, 18, or 42 with an ultimate finish
- Shard 5 – Win Parallel Quest 2, 21, or 32 with an ultimate finish
(YouTube Courtesy: Dragon Ball Xenoverse)
Guide to the Parallel Quest - Ultimate Finish
As we know Dragon Ball Xenoverse can be replayed many times. The game has many Parallel Quests, almost 56 of them, that help players become stronger with special abilities and gears.
In order to complete Ultimate Finishing a Parallel Quest, there are requirements which in fact can be looked up in the kiosk for Parallel Quests.
Completion of the Parallel Quest will allow players to unlock secret characters, gears and abilities. It has also been noted that some Mentors will not allow their trainees to continue unless they have obtained a certain Z-Soul, which has been dropped during a Parallel Quest.
NOTE: Certain Quests will not proc the Ultimate Finish possibility even if you complete the requirements. This was especially true with mission #5. Just keep doing the mission if this happens.
Below is a list of Parallel Quest with requirements to Ultimate Finishing them (ShiniGaming and Saiyan Island):
#0 – "Parallel Quest Tutorial":
- Hidden condition 1: Defeat all Saibamen
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Raditz
#1 – "World tournament Tag Team":
- Hidden condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Piccolo
#2 – "Prepare for the Attack of the Saiyans!":
- Hidden condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Goku
#3 – "Saiyan Blood":
- Hidden Condition 1: Raditz Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Gohan
#4 – "Saibamen's Revenge":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Nappa
#5 – "Attack of the Saiyans":
- Hidden Condition 1: No Saibamen Escape
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Saiyans
#6 – "Invade Earth":
- Hidden Condition 1: Nappa Survives
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Goku
#7 – "Burst Open and Mix!":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Time Patroller in Training
#8 – "Namekian Dragon Balls":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear by beating Guldo
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#9 – "Saiyan Pride":
- Hidden Condition 1: Vegeta's health > 50 %
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Goku
#10 – "Defeat Frieza's Army":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Ginyu, Burter, Jeice
#11 – "Force Entrance Exam":
- Hidden Condition 1: Guldo's Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Ginyu
#12 – "Fierce Battle! Ginyu Force":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Frieza
#13 – "Tri-Race Coop":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Frieza and revived Enemies
#14 – "Legendary Super Saiyan":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Krillin before Goku
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Saiyan Goku
#15 – "Explosion of Namek":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 3 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Time Patroller in Training
#16 – "Super Saiyan Legend":
- Hidden Condition 1: Befriend Vegeta and clear with him alive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Saiyan Vegeta
#17 – "Challenge Hercule":
- Hidden Condition 1: Hercule's Health > 50 %
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Vegeta
#18 – "Return of Ginyu Force!":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Frieza
#19 – "Let's Train":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear with Vegeta and Gohan Transformed
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Gohan
#20 – "Multiple Cell Jr. Hunt":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Cell
#21 – "The Cell Games Begin":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Piccolo and Goku before Gohan
- Hidden Condition 2: Win without defeating Cell
#22 – "Earth in Danger":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat all enemies
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat all revived enemies
#23 – "Clash! Perfect Cell":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 3 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Cell
#24 – "Power Teams":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Gohan and Cell
#25 – "17 and 18 of the Official History":
- Hidden Condition 1: Vegeta and Piccolo Survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived #17 and #18
#26 – "Warrior's annihilation – Future Chapters":
- Hidden Condition 1: #17 and #18 survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Trunks
#27 – "Artifical Warriors":
- Hidden Condition 1: Beat all Cell Juniors
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Cell and revived #17 and #18
#28 – "Take back the Dragon Balls":
- Hidden Condition 1: Beat all Cell Juniors
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#29 – "2nd World Tournament Tag Team":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat all enemies
#30 – "Great Saiyaman is here":
- Hidden Condition 1: Great Saiyaman survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Frieza and Cell
#31 – "Majin Chaos":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Buu
#32 – "Super Saiyan Bargain Sale":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Saiyan 3 Goku
#33 – "Namek Berserker":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Piccolo
#34 – "Majin Revival":
- Hidden Condition 1: Buu's Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Hercule
#35 – "Tag with Gotenks":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Ultimate Gohan
#36 – "Majin Banquet":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Hercule and revived Buu
#37 – "Potara Warrior":
- Hidden Condition 1: Super Buu's Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Vegito
#38 – "Blast the Super Spirit Bomb":
- Hidden Condition 1: Buu Survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Kid Buu
#39 – "Cell Games Continued":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Videl and Piccolo before Gohan
- Hidden Condition 2: Win without Defeating Cell
#40 – "Stop Beerus' Destruction":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear without any ally defeated
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Whis
#41 – "Frieza's Nightmare Returns":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Gotenks before Vegito
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Vegito and Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
#42 – "Power of a Super Saiyan God":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 3 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Goku
# 43 – "Old Rivals and Dragon Balls":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear by defeating three enemies
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#44 – "God of Destruction and his Master":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat revived Beerus
#45 – "Saiyan Battle":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Goku and revived Gohan and Vegeta
#46 – "Evil seeks Dragon Balls yet again!":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear by defeating all enemies
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#47 – "Super-Super Ultimate series of battles!":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Vegito and Gotenks
#48 – "Gathering of the Great Evil Alliance":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat revived Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu
#49 – "Saiyan Revolt":
- Hidden Condition 1: Raditz and Nappa survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Vegito
#50 – "Parent and Child":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Burdock, Raditz and Goku
#51 – "Heated Furious Ultimate Battle":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear with revived Goku surviving
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat revived Broly
# 52 – "Great Ape Festival":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat the Time Patroller in training
#53 – "Dangerous Duo! Warriors never rest":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Broly with Gohan surviving
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
# 54 – "Saiyan Warriors":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat all revived enemies
#55 – "Power Berserkers":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Gohan, Broly and Bardock
Guide to Getting Crystal Shards
In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, players would know that there are some items that are of the rarest kinds. One such item is the Dragon Balls that allows players with secret characters and other items.
There are many fighters in the game that can be unlocked by getting a rate item – Time Crystal Shards.
If players want to unlock Broly and Bardock then they have to go in for the five Time Crystal Shards.
If players collect the Crystal Shards, they will unlock 'Legendary Super Saiyan' saga. The completion of this saga will make available Broly and Bardock, when players check their character selection screen.
Below is a guide to get five Time Crystal Shards, there are five ways to get (Saiyan Island):
- Shard 1 – Defeat Demigra
- Shard 2 – Talk to non-playable character Recon in Toki Toki City
- Shard 3 – Win Parallel Quest 49
- Shard 4 – Win Parallel Quest 14, 18, or 42 with an ultimate finish
- Shard 5 – Win Parallel Quest 2, 21, or 32 with an ultimate finish
(YouTube Courtesy: Dragon Ball Xenoverse)
Guide to the Parallel Quest - Ultimate Finish
As we know Dragon Ball Xenoverse can be replayed many times. The game has many Parallel Quests, almost 56 of them, that help players become stronger with special abilities and gears.
In order to complete Ultimate Finishing a Parallel Quest, there are requirements which in fact can be looked up in the kiosk for Parallel Quests.
Completion of the Parallel Quest will allow players to unlock secret characters, gears and abilities. It has also been noted that some Mentors will not allow their trainees to continue unless they have obtained a certain Z-Soul, which has been dropped during a Parallel Quest.
NOTE: Certain Quests will not proc the Ultimate Finish possibility even if you complete the requirements. This was especially true with mission #5. Just keep doing the mission if this happens.
Below is a list of Parallel Quest with requirements to Ultimate Finishing them (ShiniGaming and Saiyan Island):
#0 – "Parallel Quest Tutorial":
- Hidden condition 1: Defeat all Saibamen
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Raditz
#1 – "World tournament Tag Team":
- Hidden condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Piccolo
#2 – "Prepare for the Attack of the Saiyans!":
- Hidden condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Goku
#3 – "Saiyan Blood":
- Hidden Condition 1: Raditz Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Gohan
#4 – "Saibamen's Revenge":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Nappa
#5 – "Attack of the Saiyans":
- Hidden Condition 1: No Saibamen Escape
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Saiyans
#6 – "Invade Earth":
- Hidden Condition 1: Nappa Survives
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Goku
#7 – "Burst Open and Mix!":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Time Patroller in Training
#8 – "Namekian Dragon Balls":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear by beating Guldo
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#9 – "Saiyan Pride":
- Hidden Condition 1: Vegeta's health > 50 %
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Goku
#10 – "Defeat Frieza's Army":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Ginyu, Burter, Jeice
#11 – "Force Entrance Exam":
- Hidden Condition 1: Guldo's Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Ginyu
#12 – "Fierce Battle! Ginyu Force":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Frieza
#13 – "Tri-Race Coop":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Frieza and revived Enemies
#14 – "Legendary Super Saiyan":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Krillin before Goku
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Saiyan Goku
#15 – "Explosion of Namek":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 3 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Time Patroller in Training
#16 – "Super Saiyan Legend":
- Hidden Condition 1: Befriend Vegeta and clear with him alive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Saiyan Vegeta
#17 – "Challenge Hercule":
- Hidden Condition 1: Hercule's Health > 50 %
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Vegeta
#18 – "Return of Ginyu Force!":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden condition 2: Defeat Frieza
#19 – "Let's Train":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear with Vegeta and Gohan Transformed
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Gohan
#20 – "Multiple Cell Jr. Hunt":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Cell
#21 – "The Cell Games Begin":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Piccolo and Goku before Gohan
- Hidden Condition 2: Win without defeating Cell
#22 – "Earth in Danger":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat all enemies
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat all revived enemies
#23 – "Clash! Perfect Cell":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 3 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Cell
#24 – "Power Teams":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Gohan and Cell
#25 – "17 and 18 of the Official History":
- Hidden Condition 1: Vegeta and Piccolo Survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived #17 and #18
#26 – "Warrior's annihilation – Future Chapters":
- Hidden Condition 1: #17 and #18 survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Trunks
#27 – "Artifical Warriors":
- Hidden Condition 1: Beat all Cell Juniors
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Cell and revived #17 and #18
#28 – "Take back the Dragon Balls":
- Hidden Condition 1: Beat all Cell Juniors
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#29 – "2nd World Tournament Tag Team":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat all enemies
#30 – "Great Saiyaman is here":
- Hidden Condition 1: Great Saiyaman survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Frieza and Cell
#31 – "Majin Chaos":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Buu
#32 – "Super Saiyan Bargain Sale":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Saiyan 3 Goku
#33 – "Namek Berserker":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Piccolo
#34 – "Majin Revival":
- Hidden Condition 1: Buu's Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Hercule
#35 – "Tag with Gotenks":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Ultimate Gohan
#36 – "Majin Banquet":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Hercule and revived Buu
#37 – "Potara Warrior":
- Hidden Condition 1: Super Buu's Health > 50%
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Vegito
#38 – "Blast the Super Spirit Bomb":
- Hidden Condition 1: Buu Survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Kid Buu
#39 – "Cell Games Continued":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Videl and Piccolo before Gohan
- Hidden Condition 2: Win without Defeating Cell
#40 – "Stop Beerus' Destruction":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear without any ally defeated
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Whis
#41 – "Frieza's Nightmare Returns":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Gotenks before Vegito
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Super Vegito and Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
#42 – "Power of a Super Saiyan God":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 3 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Revived Goku
# 43 – "Old Rivals and Dragon Balls":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear by defeating three enemies
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#44 – "God of Destruction and his Master":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat revived Beerus
#45 – "Saiyan Battle":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 5 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Goku and revived Gohan and Vegeta
#46 – "Evil seeks Dragon Balls yet again!":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear by defeating all enemies
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
#47 – "Super-Super Ultimate series of battles!":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Vegito and Gotenks
#48 – "Gathering of the Great Evil Alliance":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat revived Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu
#49 – "Saiyan Revolt":
- Hidden Condition 1: Raditz and Nappa survive
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Vegito
#50 – "Parent and Child":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Burdock, Raditz and Goku
#51 – "Heated Furious Ultimate Battle":
- Hidden Condition 1: Clear with revived Goku surviving
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat revived Broly
# 52 – "Great Ape Festival":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat the Time Patroller in training
#53 – "Dangerous Duo! Warriors never rest":
- Hidden Condition 1: Defeat Broly with Gohan surviving
- Hidden Condition 2: Get 7 Dragon Balls
# 54 – "Saiyan Warriors":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat all revived enemies
#55 – "Power Berserkers":
- Hidden Condition 1: < 10 min
- Hidden Condition 2: Defeat Gohan, Broly and Bardock