Hyderabad, Nov 02 (ANI): Doctors in Hyderabad performed India’s first rare fetal heart surgery, to cure a serious obstruction of the blood vessel. The procedure is a crucial feat that will pave the way for cure and prevention of heart diseases. The surgery was performed on the foetus of a 25 year old lady, Sirisha. An ultrasound scan during her pregnancy showed heart defect in the baby (foetus). She also had undergone minor surgical procedure for gynecological problem to prevent abortion. Doctors performed fetal echocardiogram and found major heart defect in the foetus. There was severe obstruction which was resulting in failure of pumping of blood to the rest of the body. The rare surgery was performed by Chief Pediatric Cardiologist, CARE hospitals, Dr K Nageshwar Rao along with a team of 12 specialists. Reportedly, this heart ailment is incurable once a child is born.