blood moon july 27

Conspiracy theorists have long been alleging that the moon, Earth's only natural satellite is home to an advanced alien civilization. As per these conspiracy theorists, NASA, the United States space agency is well aware of alien existence, but they are covering up these mysterious facts for unknown motives. Adding heat to these bizarre claims, Scott C Waring, a popular conspiracy theorist based in Taiwan has now sensationally argued that he has spotted a hidden alien city on the lunar surface.

Waring made these mindblowing claims in a recent post on his website ET Data Base. In the website post, the self-proclaimed alien researcher revealed that he made this discovery using Google moon map. He added that the alien city in the lunar surface stretches across more than 15 kilometres.

"The alien structure is huge, over 15 km long and wide. The structure is seen in only one area of photos. Others photos of this crater have it edited out. In my video of this object at the end, I show how easy it is for NASA to edit out such alien artefacts. It took me a whole 4 seconds to remove it and make it appear natural. It is obvious to me that NASA missed editing out this huge structure, but after reporting it, I give it 6 months before Google edits it out for the US government," wrote Waring on his website.

Waring outlandishly claimed that these mysterious alien structures are still working, and it can be used by humans during times of lunar colonization. He also made it clear that Elon Musk's SpaceX has a golden opportunity to use these alien bases to conduct moon mining in the future.

Even though Elon Musk's discovery is receiving positive reviews from his followers, sceptics have dismissed the alien angle, and they made it clear that the finding of Waring is a clear case of pareidolia. As per sceptics, pareidolia is a peculiar capability of the human brain to form recognizable images on unknown patterns.