Destiny from developer Bungie recently released a new patch 2.02 that promised to bring several fixes, especially to Nightstalker abilities, Warsat completions calculating going wrong, issues in Quests, Bounties, Crucible, Items and Inventory.
But, several players have complained that this FPS shooter has cropped up errors. Xbox 360 users have complained of facing Vulture errors. The Vulture errors are those that do not let player access PVP and co-op modes, if they do not have Xbox Live Gold subscription.
Bungie has reportedly replied to the issue saying it is working on it. It said, "Bungie is aware of some Xbox One players encountering Vulture errors immediately after logging in this morning (November 18th). We are working with our partners at Microsoft to investigate the issue," Gamepur reported.
Bungie has asked the players facing the issue to click on the "Contact Help" button and fill a form detailing the issue.
Meanwhile, Bungie has released a Hotfix that will correct some of the bugs introduced in patch 2.02:
- Fixed an issue in which Rare Leg Armor Engrams were not decrypting correctly
Lord Saladin
- Fixed an issue in which descriptions for Iron Banner Shaders, and Emblems, were displaying random perks incorrectly
'Refer a Friend' rewards rumoured
It has been rumoured that Bungie will be instituting rewards as part of the new 'Refer a Friend' programme. This will be added to the game and the players who are successful in inviting people to be Guardians will be rewarded.
Interested players will have to complete a quest chain called A Tale of Two Guardians to gain the items. Apart from this, there is a new Ghost Shell, emotes and more, reported Recorder Press.
Rewards for the proramme reportedly include high five emote, an exclusive shader, an emblem and a shiny new Sparrow.