Rohan Gaikwad

The more we speak about a few people doing incredibly well in their careers in multiple positive ways as self-made professionals, the more we feel the need to talk about them for the world to know their genius and brilliance. These brilliant minds do not just excel outstandingly as professionals in their respective industries; they also ensure to excel beyond that to spread the good among others. Creating a life of one's choice focusing on transforming the lives of others is a life motto of a few only, and Rohan Gaikwad is one among them, standing tall as a young selfless soul with his NGO NYRA (Nurture Youth Reforms Association).

Under his NGO NYRA, Rohan Gaikwad has come up with a new project named Project SETU, which is all about connecting people through education. It is for helping people from the lower strata of society to get skilled, as NYRA has always been known for supporting education and equal opportunities. He shares that project SETU was initiated to spread awareness about skilful education and to provide equal educational & employment opportunities to the lesser privileged strata of our society.

Rohan Gaikwad highlights that Project SETU is a free online vocational training program for less privileged students, where they get the in-depth training necessary to work in an office, along with a job opportunity, under the tutelage of Mr. Shirish Marathe, who has been in the IT field for 20 years and has been an expert in computer hardware, CCTV installation, Computer software and other technical aspects. He has taught students back office work and other necessary skills in the past few years. The whole concept of the program is designed by Mrs. Uttara Mone, who has been a famous host in the entertainment realm for the past 28 years. However, in her career so far, she has worked extensively for communities. The execution of the course is done by her company Miti Group.

He says that small-scale companies require freshers, but on the other hand, these freshers find it challenging to get jobs due to a lack of certain basic skills. To fill this gap, they will impart necessary skills to students and help them get placed comfortably with great employment. The skillsets they focus on are Filing, Petty Cash, Inward and Outward, Administration, Sales Coordinator, Inter Office Coordination, Maintaining inventory, Customer Support, Accounts, Follow-up, Computer Knowledge and Life Skills.

Rohan Gaikwad (@rohanz786) is elated that 100s of applicants showed interest across Maharashtra in the program, out of which they selected 15. These 15 were interviewed personally and selected based on their answers. The program and the opportunity have already spread the good among these students' lives, who now have the right opportunities to better their careers and lives.