In the latest episode of AMC's "Comic Book Men" titled "Captain and the Clerk," William Shatner, who is known for playing the iconic role of Captain James T Kirk of USS Enterprise in the Star Trek franchise, shares his experiences and moments as Captain Kirk and how the role influenced his acting career subsequently.

CLICK HERE to watch Shatner talking about his life as Captain Kirk. 

As reported by USA Today (via AMC), Shatner told about his time as Captain Kirk and how amazed he is that so many years have passed since then.

"It's phenomenal. In a couple of months will be the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. 50 years ago I started playing it," he said.

He also told filmmaker Kevin Smith that as a kid, he used to read adventures of Batman and Superman under the covers with a flashlight.

Recounting the memories, he said, "It's a wonderful stimulus. What a way to have your imagination peaked with the beauty of the comic book. It's magical."

Besides Star Trek and comics, Shatner also talked about Comic Conventions and how they influenced in the encouragement of comic book literature in the society.

Earlier, we had reported that in the premiere two part episode titled "Wookiee Fever" and "Holy Zap Copter!" respectively, Peter Mayhew, who is known for playing Chewbecca in the "Star Wars" movies, judged a Wookiee contest at Kevin Smith's comic shop "Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash."

In the "Holy Zap Copter!," Michael "Mike" Zapcic, who has been working at the Secret Stash for 15 years, flew to the studio in a Batcopter.

He later discussed about the influence of comic book characters who don't have any superpowers like Batman and Iron Man and how such characters connect more to young readers as they are close to reality.