New Delhi, Feb 06 (ANI): Nobel laureate and child rights activist Kailash Satyarthi warned that children end up bearing the brunt of natural calamities caused by climate change as families get displaced, they are forced into child labour, prostitution and child trafficking. Satyarthi was speaking at the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) in the national capital. The DSDS, which is a global platform for experts to hammer out goals for 2015 climate talks, aims at discussing sustainable development goals with emphasis on energy and environment and clean energy for all. Thousands of children, mostly from poor rural areas, are taken to the country's cities every year by trafficking gangs who sell them into bonded labour or hire them out to unscrupulous employers, promising to send their parents their wages. Meanwhile, Chairman of UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri said that the job of child rights activists like Satyarthi was only going to get infinitely more difficult with the impact of climate change.