Battlefield Hardline

EA DICE's newest addition to the popular Battlefield franchise – Battlefield Hardline – is quite refreshing from the usual war shooters we have seen from the series so far. This time, the focus is on a more suburban cop-and-robber story that's been panned out in a way we are so used to with our cop dramas on TV.

Hardline comes with a number of in-game modes that challenge the players in a plethora of ways. The game is filled with a number of wonderful game modes, and this includes the likes of the extremely gratifying Hotwire (for ranking up), the new Heist mode (highlighting the cops versus criminals scenario) and the all-new Rescue.

However, at the moment, we are dealing with the other game mode for Hardline called Blood Money. While Blood Money has a number of similar characteristics to the usual Capture the Flag modes, it still goes about it in a slightly different way. But with some small strategic decisions, you can easily win in Blood Money.

Here's a look at the tips for beating the Blood Money game mode in Battlefield Hardline:

What's Blood Money About?

Well, Blood Money, as you may have expected, is all about how good a team player you are. The aim here is to be the first team to reach 150 pieces of cash stored in your vault. This can be done by either taking money from a vault in the middle of the map, or by heading to your opponent's vault to obtain their cash. If you take money from the middle, it will only add to your total. But, if you take money from your opponents, it will stall their progress towards the 150 bundles they need to win the game. Both the parties are free to steal from the other, making the mode even more interesting.

Strategize Early – You Will Survive!

Once the round begins, both your team and the opponent team will start with empty vaults and will dash to the pile of cash in the middle of the map. This is where things will get nasty as you and your team fight your way towards the community pile. It's better here if you have a good stock of gas grenades, alongside gas masks for all your team mates. Mark the area by dropping enough gas masks to fend off the enemy team, while you should be helped along the way with your own gas mask.

The Cash Pile Ratio

At one point of time in the game, you will see that your opponent is getting access to the money in the vault. Now, this is as good a chance as any to inflict some damage on the opposition team. Just head over to the enemy vault with your full team and try robbing from your opponent's vault. Needless to say, this situation will only be compounded by an intense gun-fight, but there's light at the end of the tunnel if you survive. Remember to always maintain a higher cash ratio than your opponent, meaning if both of you have equal amount of cash in vault, steal just the bit that's required to tilt the ratio in your favour (if both of you have 50 piles each, steal another 20). In Blood Money, you are not only supposed to make money, but also ensure your opponent isn't making any.

Elvis Has Left the Building

Once you have successfully infiltrated the vault at the middle of the map, or even the one that belongs to your enemy, it's time for you to effectively escape the area. The best way to do that is by getting a vehicle. However, if a vehicle isn't available, you should know that a zipline will also help you travel from one point of the map to the other. How you reach a zipline is completely up to you, though.

You are the Weapon 

While the Blood Money mode is one of the most exciting game modes to have ever graced the Battlefield series, it's also one of the most difficult that we have come across in recent times. There will be a situation when you feel like the round is lost due to one reason or the other (team mates not putting up a fight?), but your strength will depend upon how well you can overcome the odds and tilt the game in your favour. Remember to stay a step ahead of your enemies all the time, pay attention to even small details and Blood Money should reward you handsomely.

[Source: Prima Games]