Ashton Kutcher
Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher Spends Time With Girls at Delhi NGO "Apne App". (Twitter/ashton kutcher)Reuters

Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher, who is in India for shooting the upcoming biopic on Steve Jobs, was spotted spending time with young girls from a Delhi based NGO.

The "Two and a Half Men" star on Friday had visited "Apne Aap" NGO in Dharampura area of Najafgarh, that deals with victims of sex trafficking. He was accompanied by Ruchira Gupta, who runs the organisation.  

"Met some powerful girls today in Delhi at Apne Aap: A grassroots movement to end sex trafficking," Kutcher tweeted on Friday along with a picture of him with the girls.

The 34-year-old actor arrived in India last week for filming a biopic on the Apple Inc. co-founder and longtime CEO in some parts of Uttar Pradesh, Vrindavan, Agra and Jharkhand.

On Thursday, Kutcher was spotted walking in the busy streets of Old Delhi near Jama Masjid.

"Ashton had gotten in touch with me before coming to India and he was interested in spending some time in our facility. So, on Friday morning, I took him with me to the Dharampur area, where girls, who were victims of inter-generational prostitution, reside," Ruchira Gupta, the founder of the NGO, told The Times of India.

"Ashton spoke to them, danced and sang with them, and even visited their homes. They all sat in a group with him and spoke about their experiences and even held a talk about what makes a leader. The girls told him about their fears, like the time when they all formed a bhangra troupe and had to perform in front of strangers. He made them laugh, saying how he too was scared each time he went up on stage. But the important thing was to conquer that fear and move ahead. One thing I noticed about Ashton was how people listen to him and pay attention to him. He's such a hunk and talks so well... people automatically listen to him," she added.

The movie titled "Jobs" is an independent film directed by Joshua Michael Stern and produced by Mark Hulme.