High-energy neutrinos absorbed by Earth, IceCube Observatory Experiment finds

A neutrino is a fermion that interacts only via the weak subatomic force and gravity. The mass of the neutrino is much smaller than that of the other known elementary particles. These particles come down on is from our host star sun, however, it can also come from the other sources that don't belong to our solar system. Just a tiny portion of the neutrinos actually run into the things on Earth, but now, scientists have just discovered one from outside our solar system and that too for the first time ever.

According to the experts, this recently found alien neutrino has come from a supermassive black hole, located near about 3.7 billion light-years away. It must have collided with some ice in Antarctica.

Radioactive decompose in the stars develop neutrinos at the time of supernovae or when matter spirals into black holes. As we said earlier, their mass is the smallest amongst all the elementary particles and they are electrically neutral. Neutrinos interact very weakly with other matters. This means that these particles pass right through thousands of planets, stars, and even humans at nearly the speed of light.

Scientists have now come up with methods to spot the few neutrinos, which actually hit the atoms. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory of National Science Foundation had discovered quite a special Neutrino last year.

In September 2017, scientists spotted a high-energy neutrino that hit the Antarctic ice. They used the IceCube observatory for detecting the same. This neutrino held the similar amount of energy as 300 trillion electron volts. This evidence made the scientists believe that the neutrino actually belongs to some place outside our galaxy.

This is the first time ever that the earthlings have managed to spot a neutrino from a distant and alien source. After examining it, scientists would be able to unravel some of the mysteries of the universe.