ISIS has released the pictures of its attack on Iraq 30th brigade,in which over 300 Iraqi soldiers were killed.
An ISIS fighter on top a destroyed tank after taking over an army camp in Anbar province near Fallujah.ISIS

Reports claim that the head of Islamic State's al-Hisba security force in Raqqa has fled the city after a failed coup, following which the group arrested and even killed a few dissidents in the Syrian city.

A report in ARA News claimed that Abu Talha al-Kuwaiti, the head of al-Hisba security force reportedly carried out a failed coup, following which he has fled Raqqa along with eight of his close aides.

After the failed coup, ISIS fighters imposed a curfew in the city, looking out for all co-conspirators.

The group reportedly was able to capture another ISIS leader, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, who had assisted al-Kuwaiti. The reports claim al-Ansari was recently found dead, however, the group never offered an explanation.

It is also reported that since then ISIS has organised a campaign of arrests and assassinations on its own members to root out the rebels in its ranks.

According to reports, the execution of at least 60 foreign militants who defected from the group's ranks in Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor and the killing of four other members branded as traitors in Rumaila in central Raqqa are all part of ISIS' effort to eradicated dissidents.