A woman's scream was heard from inside a coffin in Greece. The cancer patient was reportedly 'buried alive'.
A woman's scream was heard from inside a coffin in Greece. The cancer patient was reportedly 'buried alive'. (Representational Image)Reuters

A woman's scream was heard from inside a coffin in Greece, that triggered panic around the cemetery and speculations are that the woman could have either been buried alive, or her 'spirit' was haunting the place.

A cemetery worker received the fright of his life when he distinctly heard a woman screaming from her buried coffin on Friday. The man told the police that he could hear shouts and banging sounds from the spot where a 49-year-old woman was buried.

Residents and a group of children playing outside also reportedly heard the female voice shouting for help from the grave. The incident took place very shortly after the relatives left the cemetery after performing the last rites.

Workers and cemetery visitors frantically dug up the coffin and broke it, but all attempts were in vain as the woman had already died, local news sources reported.

The woman was a cancer patient and was earlier declared dead by her doctors.

The police came to the Peraia Cemetery located near Thessalonkini in Greece. A doctor, who examined her body at the spot claimed that she had been dead for hours and could not have possibly been buried alive because of her advanced state of rigor mortis, the BBC reported citing local television channel MEGA.

"I just don't believe it," the doctor, Chrissi Matsikoudi was quoted as saying.

"We did several tests, including one for heart failure on the body," she said adding: that it would be impossible for "someone in a state of rigor mortis to have been shouting and hitting the coffin like that".

The police said that the mother of two, who died after succumbing to cancer, cannot be named until the post mortem is carried out. A coroner will reportedly carry out a separate examination of the woman's body.

Meanwhile, her relatives are said to file a complaint against the doctors who treated her at the cancer clinic.

The mystery has baffled many of the Greek public and has been a hot topic of discussion among the local and international media though Friday and Saturday.