Fallout 4
Fallout Shelter is a new free game.Twitter

"Fallout Shelter" from Bethesda received new update 1.5 on April 21 promising several new features, making things easier for the Overseer overlooking the entire Vault. In the game, all the players play the role of an Overseer.

Update 1.5 allows players to scrap items that are not needed, turning them into Junk, which can be used to build other things. This will let players use the items that have been lying in Storage rooms that were never being used in the game. Now they can start crafting with it, said the post on the official website.

The game also gets a 3D Touch support for those players on iPhone 6s or 6s Plus. Players will now be able to load directly into their vaults giving them the chance to skip the main menu. Now, using this feature, players will be able to assign Dweller to rooms and access storage by tapping on any Storage Room.

Bethesda has made sure that the constantly gets new features. The game has seen the addition of new rooms, characters from Fallout 4, pets, new outfits and weapons. Update 1.4 had added the crafting feature, letting players to make their own weapons, armour and outfits.

"Fallout Shelter" was released on June 14, 2015 for iOS and Android devices.