19 Kids and Counting
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Duggar parents Jim Bob and Michelle recently opened up to Fox's Megyn Kelly about their son molesting five minors as a teen, but a behavioural expert feels the Duggar parents were not being honest about their feelings all through the interview.

Behavioural analyst Dr. Lillian Glass has cited several instances where she believes the parents were untruthful. She believes the parents are more concerned about their family's reality show being cancelled than about the effect Josh's actions have had on the girls.

Here are five times where Glass felt the "19 Kids and Counting" parents were trying to hide the truth, according to Radar Online.

Michelle Duggar volunteers too much information – Watch closely the entire interview and one would easily note that Michelle is constantly giving away more information than required. This, according to Glass, is a form of deception.

Michelle Duggar looks for reassurance – All throughout the interview Michelle looks at her husband for reassurance. This and the fact that she gives away too much information are hints that the whole thing was rehearsed, believes Glass.

"Michelle Duggar it is loaded with deception. She tells too much story and embellishment and gives too much away. It is such complete deception," Glass told Radar Online.

Fake tears – "Michelle pretends she is crying but there are no tears. No one cries without tears. She is sobbing and there are absolutely no tears! Another thing that struck me is that Michelle wiped one eye at a time. You don't cry one eye at a time."

Absence of Josh Duggar -- While the interview featured Jim Bob and Michelle, someone who should have been there, but refrained from making an appearance was Josh Duggar himself. "The fact that Josh Duggar was not at this interview says it all. He doesn't need his parents there trying to protect him," Glass said.

Jim Bob's body language – At one point, after explaining how Josh fondled the girls while they were asleep, the patriarch clasped his hands, and it "shows that he is holding something very valuable in and keeping it to himself for self-comfort."