Women living with HIV/AIDS, in particular, have been positioned as a latent source of infection, and have captivated culpability and blame leading to a highly stigmatized and discriminated life.

As per the recently released, India HIV Estimation 2015 report, by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) National adult (15–49 years) HIV prevalence in India is estimated at 0.26% (0.22% – 0.32%) in 2015.

As of 2015, adult HIV prevalence is estimated at 0.30% among males and at 0.22% among Females. Out of the 2.5 million people living with HIV/AIDS, women account for around one million.

On the occasion of World AIDS Day, we tend to ignore the biological, social and economical problems of women in India, who end up being more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection than men.

Here are some agonizing facts about woman living with HIV/AIDS in India.

Watch the video to find out more.