The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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The open-world of the recently released The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is nothing short of plain spectacular. It's good to see that unlike so many "big names" in the industry, developer CD Projekt RED is living up to all the various hype created since the very inception of the game. And for that matter, we are yet to come across anything in the game that's a disappointment.

One of the perks of completing missions and taking up side quests in the massive open world of Wild Hunt is levelling up your character with the help of XPs that you will collect on successful completions. That being said, the levelling mechanism in The Witcher 3 isn't necessarily the fastest. But there are ways to level up faster than usual if played smartly.

Before setting out on your adventure and collecting as many XPs as possible, know that the current Level Cap is at Level 70. However, the Level 70 Level Cap is expected to increase to Level 100 in future. For the time being though, here are a few tips to reach that Level Cap 70 as soon as possible.

Playing the Gwent Card Game
If you still haven't got a single clue about how to play the in-game card game called Gwent in The Witcher 3, you ought to go through our Gwent guide for The Witcher 3 first. For those who have already dealt a hand or two, play the game as many times as possible to gain some amount of XPs. Don't turn down any NPC opponent if they challenge you to a game of Gwent as that not only helps you level up, but also opens you up to several different card classes for the future.

Destroy Monster Nests and Bandit Camps
When you have arrived in White Orchard for the first time, you should come across a number of Question Marks on your Map. It's highly advised that you travel to those locations (take some time out of your Primary Quests) and destroy any Bandit Camp or Monster Nest in the area. This not only opens you up to bonus XP, but also rewards you with rare and valuable loot.

The Same Goes for Places of Power
While demolishing Monster Nests and Bandit Camps, make some time and also discover a few all the Places of Power before you finally depart the area. This will allow you to boost your Witcher Signs (for a short period of time) and acquire Character Ability Points.

Collect the Noonwraith Trophy
When you have successfully killed a monster (as a part of your Witcher Contracts), you can cut off its head and use it as a Monster Trophy. These trophies open you up to several in-game bonuses, along with huge chunks of XP. To get to the Noonwraith Trophy, you will need to accept the Witcher Contract called 'Devil by the Well,' located in White Orchard.

[Source: Segment Next]