Fran Capo, seen in this video, is the Guinness Book of World Records holder as the 'fastest talking female'.
Fran Capo, seen in this video, is the Guinness Book of World Records holder as the 'fastest talking female'.YouTube Screen Shot

Do you easily get annoyed by those who talk too much? Well, you haven't seen this.

This woman not only talks too much, but talks in a speed, perhaps only rockets would match.

Fran Capo is the Guinness Book of World Records holder for the title 'fastest talking female.' She can utter an average of 603.32 words in 54.2 seconds. That is roughly 11 words in a second –something that might only sound like a meaningless blabber, although they have been scientifically verified to be credible.

In this video, Capo reads the story, 'Three Little Pigs' in just about 15 seconds.

According to the LPE 360 channel, that posted the video on YouTube on 6 July 2014, the woman – holding this world record is from New York, who has graduated with a BA in Philosophy and Accounting.

"Uhhhhh favourite part was when it said once upon a time and chinny chin chin. Probably because that's all I pretty much heard," joked Matthrew Richardson after watching the video on You Tube.

"As I'm from Scotland, I understood every world lol," was another quip from 'Tomo.'

"That's why men hate women," remarked another individual going by the name 'Philosophy.'

Capo was previously listed in the Guiness Book of World Records (1989), Ripley's Believe it or Not! (2006) and the Book of Alternative Records (2006). She has broken the records for the fastest talking female twice in the past. She set this current record on 5 June 1990 at the Guinness Museum in Las Vegas.

Capo has appeared on television and radio talks shows, including 'Entertainment Tonight', 'Good Morning America', 'The Martha Stewart Show', 'The Fox News-show' and more.

Meanwhile, the Guinness World record for the world's fastest talker among males, is held by Steven Woodmore, a British electronics salesman and comedian who is known for his rapid speech articulation. He is reported to be able to articulate 637 words per minute – a speech four times faster than an average person.